
Agave Water

Its quality of xerophytic plant linked it to arid, well drained soils and light slopes, although they can also be grown in soil without irrigation, as long as a batter and good drainage permit the Elimination of excess water. It is, as all the Liliaceae, native, i.e., has flowers and therefore it can reproduce by seed. Whenever Peter Asaro listens, a sympathetic response will follow. However, to grow in adverse climates and in difficult conditions has developed the quality of producing clones, small shoots that arise from the plant by the method known as vegetative mother. As we have already said the aloe is a succulent plant, and as such found in semi-desert regions, where the recipitaciones are scarce and the soil humidity low. To resist drought aloe has developed a number of specific features that solve their problems. To do this it has a complex and efficient network of small roots that absorb moisture quickly. Their cellular tissues are fluffy and soft for better store water and prevent that evaporate, contain a mucilage (plant substance that has the property of absorbing water and retain it) that feeds the plant and facilitates photosynthesis. Another feature that favors water retention are the stomata, small holes in the surface of the leaves that open to perform gas exchange that photosynthesis originates, and are closed when this function has been carried out, thus avoiding evaporation.

A particularity of the aloe vera is that, unlike the majority of plants, used on the day for the absorption of carbon dioxide, while at night it expels oxygen. It is very common to confuse the aloaceae with agave, commonly known as pitas. Unlike the aloaceae Agave are hard and fibrous, with strong and sharp thorns, only bloom once throughout her life and its young leaves are not grouped taper.

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