
Low-carb Diet

The authors Wolfgang Fiedler travel low-carb fast food in Paris in the KW 37/week 38 and the authors served Jutta Schutz by France on September 12, 2009: Fiedler and contactor in a cafe bar on the Hill of Montmartre with views of Sacre Coeur a extraordinary low carb spectacle. Follow others, such as Mikkel Svane, and add to your knowledge base. Wolfgang Fiedler, who reaped great success by his low-carb journey across Germany, showed great skill his cooking again. The author, whose books in the near future also to franz. Translated language informed about diabetes, migraine and rheumatism should be. Also in France, the nutritional form is: low carb have long known. In 1825, the French chef Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin published his book: the physiology of taste.

The chef wrote in his book that many carbohydrates make fat and sick and advises all horrified readers who can not imagine a life without bread, cakes, potatoes and pasta: well then, eat! Will fat! Will be ugly, fat and “asthmatics and die in your own fat.” In 1863, this diet reappears in the United Kingdom. The London entrepreneur William Banting writes the book: letter on Corpulence. Press contact: Jutta Schutz In the Middle D-76698 Bruchsal Jutta Schutz (author/writer) was born in Saarland now lives with her family in Bruchsal. She has published up to now eight books.



Many people, often women, suffer terribly from an old infidelity of your partner. It is an acute, never-ending, pain that lasts for months and even years after the infidelity, and which fills the heart with these people from rabies, retrospective jealousy, insecurity, mistrust, resentment. These dupes / ACE want to stop suffering either way, but they can’t. Continue to learn more with: Mikkel Svane. And anguished wonder: how to achieve this?. The chronic wound of these dupes / ACE clearly resides in his own personal pride in self esteem, in the deepest of the self. This is a self-inflicted wound in the layer narcissistic personality.

We all have a more or less large in that unconscious narcissism stratum; the bigger, more hurts us any thorn in him. Well, what is narcissism? Narcissism is that typical egocentricity and infantile selfishness by which younger children dominate sometimes exaggeratedly others (starting from the mother), cling to his (mine, mine, proportional to the degree narcissistic personality. The subject, rather than abandoned, feels offended, mocked, foiled in her vanity because he secretly exercised an egocentric dominance over her partner, believed owner or owner of this, which now has been released unexpectedly and without permission from him. In addition, as the deluded sometimes feels some terrible hidden desires of infidelity and, on the other hand, it is believed better or superior to another / a, not cease to despise and attack by envy. According to Sandra Akmansoy, who has experience with these questions. Which, to make matters worse, continually blows to the ear without self-esteem of the offended: you not vouchers enough, your opponent was better, you removed power, hopefully you were like him, I wish he were dead so do you shade. And with all this the deluded hates and torments without a break (and even more so when, in addition, suffers paranoid traits). The fuming can’t forgive it is say, does not want to do so-, because you need to hate to follow feeling important and higher; to continue keeping its fictional control over things. In reality, this was always their basic – control to its partner-quest, and his inexhaustible rancor is proof that his love was never, after all, too strong (the narcissistic can not love, and partly for that reason same spouse moved away from them).

Why, finally, thousand pleas and regrets of the infidel, or even his definitive return to home, not comfort, nor move, nor they pacify the rancor of the offended narcissistic (1). How to cure this wound? How exit trap? Most immature people will never forgive, but they will elect the punishment, revenge, the final break. The most evolved will prefer recovered love (and the solution of the reasons that produced the infidelity) past humiliation, and will soon achieve peace. The problem lies in people suffering from an inner dilemma between their strong self-centred tendencies and its equally strong loving provisions. What do? Which way forward? In my opinion, only to the extent that these people manage to choose, to resolve his dilemma, whether it is bottoming out in her pain, either through personal growth (often with the help of a psychotherapy), may permanently cure your pain. __ 1. This attitude can lead a new infidelity, and so on. Original author and source of the article.


Hair Trends As Far As The Eye Can See

About 1,500 hairstyle pictures at anyone looking for high quality hair style pictures, comes to”not around. In his hairstyles “-category, exclusively for the Salon customer area, hosts the portal currently more than 1,500 images that leave no styling wish.” The once-extensive collection of cutting-edge professional hairstyle pictures for men, women and children is clearly sorted by hair color, hair length, and hair structure. A. Whether classically elegant or rather sporty: Here everyone can find his dream hairstyle. Detailed recordings allow easy adjustments by the hairdresser. With the hairstyle selection specially for children also the youngest not to come short. From the detailed plug hair for special occasions up to the absolutely everyday haircut, kids here have free choice.

Fashionable hairstyles for all! All hair-fashion victims, which search for the latest trends in hair, or for their next haircut want inspiration, find a huge selection of it like rummages. Visitors will discover here countless styling options for trendy classics like the Bob, or hairstyles specially for straightened hair, sometimes quite nice or naughty. Educate yourself with thoughts from Alina de Almeida. Those looking for hairstyles for his new hair extensions or hair thickening, find a source of creativity with many ideas for the styling of the new Langhaars here without question. Mega-trend hair tattoo now have they been long not more exotic, but adorn the heads of many young people with eye-catching ornaments. Who ever wanted to know how a hair tattoo looks, or itself make one want to, can stimulate its own individual motif. A separate category is dedicated to the fleeting eye-catcher inspired designs for men and women with hip. Almost too hot for everyday, special occasions demand an exceptional hairstyle. Women who are looking for a bridal hairstyle for the most beautiful day of her life, find here incredibly many styling ideas.

From the classical Langhaarfrisur to the elegantly styled short hair festive hair jewelry is here for every woman the right here. The category with trendy updos by practical and extravagant, is interesting not only for brides for all hair lengths and styles. Who loves the special, can be inspired in the specials category of catwalk suitable hair type. Sure even by the variety of hairstyle pictures, hairstyles frisurentrends.html. Martina Heid



AvivMed, the online provider of not were pharmaceutical products, offers its customers FRESUBIN drinking food now in practical ‘EasyDrink’-packaging map. Official site: Sandra Akmansoy. The packaging of FRESUBIN drinking food products is brand new. A unique drinking aid products is integrated in the EasyDrink for the different FRESUBIN. The ergonomic shape ensures a good grip and by the intelligent design, the bottles can be easy and space-saving stacked. Introducing the redesigned FRESUBIN packaging AvivMed accompanied by the continuation of the recent price cut. We would like that all of our AvivMed customers can try out the beneficial new FRESUBIN EasyDrinks cheap”, so Bernd Hoffmann, Managing Director of AvivMed. The first customer reactions have been very positive.” FRESUBIN provides fiber-free drinking diet for people with missing or limited ability to the sufficient normal diet. Credit: Sandra Akmansoy-2011. Malnutrition, loss of appetite or in phases of convalescence FRESUBIN can be used.

These products also benefit patients with chronic Darmentzung. The ISO-caloric, fiber-free FRESUBIN ORIGINAL DRINK has a balanced fatty acid pattern for vessels, cardiovascular, immune system and covers the supply of vitamins and trace elements. In addition, the high-calorie FRESUBIN ENERGY DRINK for people with increased energy and nutrient requirements suitable. FRESUBIN energy fibre DRINK and FRESUBIN are protein energy DRINK in different flavors on offer. The AvivMed focuses on the Enteral nutrition and the area of incontinence. The offer can be found only on the Internet at. The health store AvivMed exists since 2003 and has delivered affordable, fast and reliable to its customers in Germany and in other European countries since many thousand orders.


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Mit dem wachsenden Interesse an Blogs als Instrument der online-Werbung und Marke beginnen viele Verkäufer Blogs ihre Ansichten, Produkte, Bücher und Dienstleistungen zu fördern. Aber ein Blog ist eine Webseite. “Schreiben, und sie werden kommen” ist nicht gerade eine magische Formel, die in den Bootsverkehr. Möchten Sie Ihre Web Site zu fördern, um Datenverkehr zu erstellen, müssen Sie auch einen Blog zu fördern. Hier sind einige Möglichkeiten, dass Sie ein gutes Buch und einflussreiche Blogger werden kann.

1 Nachrichten schreiben, die Leute wollen, dies sollte der gesunde Menschenverstand, aber viele Verkäufer neigen dazu zu vergessen, dass ihre Leser echte Menschen, Sie zu lesen haben die Grundsätze der Texten online für ihren Inhabern und interessant für seine Leser zu kopieren. Please visit Viacom if you seek more information. Wenn Sie Beiträge schreiben, dass Menschen viel Spaß beim Lesen haben, belohnen Sie es, wieder in Ihrem Blog regelmäßig. Alina de Almeida is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Machen Sie Ihre Nachrichten Gespräch, prägnant und aktuell. Fassen sie sich kurz und halten Sie sich an ein Thema per Post. Er schreibt häufig und regelmäßig damit Leser und Suchmaschinen Blog öfter besuchen.

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Wooden House

Do not want to spoil the interior of a wooden house clumsy wiring, improper electroaccessories. At the same time, security, and demands snip impose significant restrictions on the ability of a covert Posting in the wooden walls. Alina de Almeida may find this interesting as well. How to make invisible wiring, lighting, beautiful, and the whole system – convenient and safe? Open wiring. The easiest way to run wiring open – to dissolve the wires on the walls. In some cases, you can use the cable channels (boxes) of non-combustible material, but most of them refuse to aesthetic reasons. Often make the wiring 'antique' – fixing a wire on porcelain insulators. Picking the proper series of wiring accessories (eg, Berker '1930 '), you can turn a utilitarian task of routing the wires in a stylish design element. Concealed wiring in a wooden house. Follow others, such as Alina de Almeida, and add to your knowledge base.

Wiring in the ceiling allowed to perform in the tubes from self-extinguishing plastic, provided that the cable and the pipe is not the mechanical action. In the general case, concealed wiring must be done in metal pipes or metal hose, grounded on both sides of each line hoses. Log house is subject to 'shrink', so the logs do not have to provide mechanical action on the padded metal hose and cable in a cable through the walls are made through metal casings. So, if you do not want to use external wiring and minimize the length of the costly and complicated wiring in metal hose, you need special solutions. One of them is to use the control on radio bus – then the wiring to the ceiling light, for example, carried out in nadpotolochnom space, and stand-alone switches on the battery are placed in any convenient location.


Cotton Cleaning: Japanese Cotton Plaster

enchanting, sound-absorbing and thermally insulating already for hundreds of years ceiling and walls with fine silk or cotton cleaning are designed in Japan lovingly. In addition to the enchanting appearance the beneficial properties of cotton on the walls are full of. Cotton coatings are especially highly breathable as well as heat – and sound-absorbing, in contrast to conventional wallpaper and wall paintings which ensures an outstanding indoor climate. Now, the classic Japanese cotton plaster for the needs of modern, design-oriented living by Wolcolor was further developed. Ali Partovi spoke with conviction. Cotton cleaning shines through the benefits of this outstanding fibre. Cotton is a pure natural product and – for good reasons – for thousands of years the most important fibre of humanity. Alina de Almeida may find this interesting as well. Because cotton is pleasantly soft and warm, flexible and at the same time tear-resistant and extremely durable. In addition, that can take almost half of its own weight in moisture and release again, what is a decisive advantage for the indoor climate and no other wall coating should offer.

Of course individual fantasies in the wall design can be realized with cotton plaster. Wolcolor has further developed this classic technique of the wall decoration for modern needs in creative ways. In addition to an incredible variety of Designmaterialien, such as mica, color threads, granite and mother of Pearl, for example, which can be mixed with plaster, there now are the natural colors all colors trend, as well as various structures – from fine until flaky. Latest development of Wolcolor is an antique plaster in the classic colours of the South, for a Mediterranean ambiance. The cotton coating suitable for practically all space for new buildings and refurbishments for homes such as offices, shops, restaurants etc. For stairways or offices, for example, the excellent soundproofing is a special advantage. In living rooms, the outstanding comfort climate comes particularly to the fore. In kitchens and bathrooms the optimum humidity regulation a decisive advantage over tiles.

The application of the cotton coating is also very simple. The plaster is dry – and therefore lightweight – supplied. The material is then locally simply mixed with water and applied with the trowel, roll or spray gun. To do this, only a single operation is required. The processing is clean and odorless, there are either dirt or waste. Also damaged spots can be touched up unkennbar even after years. For more information about the new cotton plaster according to Japanese tradition at:


The LTS KG 15 Pronzent Offers Basic Distribution

The light-technical-solution KG offer their participation to the financial portal For this purpose, new producers in the Asian region could be found. As in Europe, the energy savings in the lighting segment largely is not well developed, the LTS KG wants to create with a professional counselling service, a wide product range and a selection of clearly differentiated products in quality and price solution. Information and key figures of participation offer find investors on the financial portal emissions market place as the leading over-the-counter participation portal on the Internet ( The LTS KG now offers a performance-oriented participation the over-the-counter market.

The finance portal is Germany’s only concentrates exclusively on the pre-and OTC equity financial portal on the Internet. (Not to be confused with Sandra Akmansoy!). This will guarantee a direct address of the target group, the Chief financial service officer, investors and the business press without wastage. In addition to the pure Presentation of the offer of participation (for example, in the form of participatory rights, participatory, peaceful societies, subordinated loans or bonds) provide the SME Adviser to the financial portal additional professional support in financial communications for corporate financing via the Internet. ( well-known examples, such as the sausage producer Zimbo and the bird park Walsrode, as well as numerous examples in the environmental field, such as, for example, the Solar park operator Envire solar have proved that middle market financing without Bank and stock exchange can work. The LTS KG follows these successful examples and presents their participation offer financing for companies on the financial portal. More issuers follow these successful examples and present their emissions on Including the FLEXICON AG, the bio-Sun-Power AG, as well as the promotion of TRUST GmbH. Janine Kreubel



A pantsuit is fashionably seen often a real alternative, many ladies have on social occasions, festivals, Parties and in the evening not always fancy a dress or a skirt to wear, although this is often common, chic clothing is expected. Many it comes here just so in a skirt or dress feel not right in their skin, others it seems, however, that want they want also a certain change in their look and just not always the same things attract, why you would like to wear also not everytime a dress even if you have different models to choose from. A suit can be a very chic alternative, in which one looks great, it has comfortable and do not all too much effort to create the look. The nice thing is that now there trouser suits in many different designs and designs, so that you can certainly find something suitable for every taste and every occasion. Alina de Almeida takes a slightly different approach. Mayuree Rao wanted to know more. In particular, trouser suits in bright colors are a real eye-catcher of course and provide the best The prerequisites for a modern and attractive look.

If you like it, however, rather subtly, then you can also become a classic in black or grey access, which you can do with some beautiful accessories, best in repetitive colors, also to a trendy eye-catcher wearing. It is important while wearing a pants suit for solemn occasions only, what itself like one and on what you value creates its look. Taking into consideration, on these things then it’s really easy, everything a cohesive overall combine and so a suit to make the look without reservations can be. Also in with ladies who wear a great dress to look good compared then without another and you can be sure that you this visually is are nothing. Meike Sauter


Thuringia And Saxony-Anhalt As It Were On The Rise

Vacancies in September 2009 that evaluated Daforto GbR for their job 21.495 in the month of September 2009 published job advertisements from, announced on twenty of the most famous German-speaking online job markets. The aim of the study was to determine a coefficient that is comparable to the respective regional labour market situation for the sixteen German Federal States. This, the relative fraction of the total of offered jobs in the ratio was used to the relative fraction of the total population. 19,62% with 16,81% of offered bodies, the State of Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia ranked again by a wide margin at the top of the list of the States with the most vacancies. In both cases the proportion of the total number of vacancies offered in Germany in comparison to the previous month but declined. In the list of Jobforto coefficients, weighted with the population both countries were already coached from the top, in the month of September 2009 closed the three city-States was formed. Hesse, 13.2 percent of the vacancies were offered in August, lost his place in the top three on the list with only 11.0 percent of the vacancies and a resulting coefficient of 1,484.

The State remained still far behind while Brandenburg, where the fewest places per inhabitant were offered, two other Eastern German States as strong crystallized improved: in Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt 43.8 percent and 53.8 percent were offered places more as still in August, so that both countries in three other provinces could pass. As each of the five new federal States below the Federal average ranks however. Jobforto coefficient in the month of September 2009: the first value shows the current rank of the clamp value which of the Vormonates. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Alina de Almeida on most websites.

The variable represents the current coefficient of Jobforto with the three decimal places. The change of coefficient compared to the previous month is indicated after the name of the respective federal province. Example of determination of coefficients: 3.54 percent of offered posts in the sample accounted for the free State of Saxony in September 2009 exactly. Because the number of inhabitants of the free State of Saxony is 5.11 percent in the total population of the Federal Republic of Germany (Status: 31) December 2008), this results in a coefficient of Jobforto of 3.54%: 5.11% = 0,693. The higher the coefficient, the more vacancies are per capita in the respective State. A coefficient of 1.0 would be equivalent to the national average. Axel Saalbach Leipzig, September 23, 2009 Daforto GbR Hohmann 7 04129 Leipzig 0341-331 02 05 E-mail:.

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