
Italian Renaissance

This situation provided financial conditions to the traders to invest in the artistic production of sculptors, painters, musicians, architects, writers, etc. At this time the governing and the clergy had started to protect and to finance to the artists and intellectuals what he was known as patronage whose objective of the patrons (governing and bourgeois) if became more popular between the regional communities where they acted. In this period, it was common the noble families to order to paintings (photographs) sculptures next to the artists. In the peninsula italiota that the commerce more if it developed giving origin to a great amount of places of artistic production. Cities as Venice, Florena and Genoa had had an expressive artistic and intellectual movement. In virtue of this, Italy passed to be known as the cradle of the Renaissance. The world of the arts of this time was characterized by the valuation of the man and the nature, of the Real, opposing itself it the holy ghost, supernatural (characteristic of the medieval cultural period).

The modern iderio cousin for the rationality, the dignity human being, the scientific severity and the reutilizao of the greco-roman artistic style. For the artists of this time, the Greeks and the Romans possuam a complete vision and human being of the nature, in contrast of the medieval ones. In this direction, the valued qualities more in the human being had started to be intelligence, the knowledge and dom artistic. At last, in modernistas centuries XV and XVI the man starts to be the main personage (antropocentrismo) portraied in the arts. The main representatives of the Italian Renaissance and the main ones painted, sculptor, scientist, engineer, physicist, writer, etc. Workmanships: Smooth Mona, Last Supper.

Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) – it was distinguished in architecture, painting and sculpture. Main workmanships: Davi, Piet, Moiss, paintings of the Sistina Chapel (Final Judgment is known). 6. Art in the Age Contemporary The art contemporary was marked by the meeting of diverse styles, movements and techniques. Had to this diversity, all is difficult to define the art contemporary including the art produced in century XX. In this period it had an aesthetic revolution that it brought I obtain a succession of styles and movements, many of which of little duration and,> in its majority, centered in the search of new directions and innovative principles. These movements and styles if had characterized for marking a rupture with the classic art that it dominated since the renaissance. In the contemporaneidade the artists had not only produced paintings with traditional materials, with the oil on the screen, but also with any material that was available. This innovation took the radical creations still more, as the conceptual art and the performtica art. With this, it was extended definition of art, that started to include, beyond concrete objects, ideas and action.


Innovation Program

By the way, about the innovation is a prime example. Pursuing the implementation of computer accounting at the store, we constantly have to watch the ratio of sellers to store this innovation. It is noticed that in successful commercial enterprises to automate the store manager puts notify all staff. At the meeting, explain to people about stuff like that, that: "We have a great team, we have so many products, we need to work with customers – all this makes it necessary to improve the organization of our work. As a manager, I decided to install a computer program to account for – and this will facilitate the work vendors and warehouse, and help better service for customers and provide them with additional services that no program can not be realized.

We must evolve and be different from our competitors. All this will allow all We operate profitably and, ultimately, improve the welfare of each of us. " So, in these teams there is a marked unity, vendors actively developing a program offering options such as to best organize the reception and labeling of goods, simulate possible situations and are wondering what to do in a given case. Employees feel ownership of improvement store and are enthusiastic in future. Conversely, in those shops where the owner by virtue of employment or management style does not conduct interviews with staff warning about the coming changes, one can see that the corporate climate of "lame". Salespeople perceive the introduction of computer accounting as interference in the usual-established pattern of work (and maybe even fraud, who knows?), develop a program sluggish, "psycho" if something does not work, are outraged at the fact that have to examine, criticize the new style of work and so on.


Technological Innovation

The face is that Spain is one of the most dynamic economies, the cross that we are one of the European Union countries skills with the worst productivity figures. Neither the economic development experienced in recent years coaching seems sufficient to achieve entrepreneur a better use of resources within the company. Therefore, there appears to be a chronic problem of productivity in the Spanish companies that ultimately end up affecting the economic situation. If previously competed managers for cost, it is clear that the current economic environment characterized by competition from Asian countries, this is no longer possible. If we descend to the regional management level, these approaches are still more certain. The question we must ask is why do we seem to be as entrepreneurial but team building yet so little efficiency in the management and use of resources’ productivity problems are associated with low levels of innovation and lack of professionalism in management and organization of the company. Of course it is essential to entrepreneurship of our businessmen but also companies need to have leadership cadres trained time management and able to innovate in the broadest sense of the word. The family business is not immune to these shortcomings in professionalization, on the contrary, the interrelation between family and business sometimes results in managerial positions and unsuitable persons, ultimately, to low levels of innovation. One of the innovations most determinants of good corporate governance are the technologies of the information. Spain is ranked 24th in the world ranking of technological competitiveness, according to the findings of the study ‘The means to compete: benchmarking IT industries’, produced by the “Economist Intelligence Unit’. For the World Economic Forum (WEF), Spain is in the position 32 of the classification on the use of information technology and strategy communication (ICT) in the world, one less than in 2005 and seven management training least since 2002 . According to data of the European Information Technologies in 2006, Spain had the second lowest of the EU 25 in business technology terms of IT spending as a percentage of GDP. These data make clear the Spanish technological backwardness, but why this happens ‘There are several reasons as well as the perspectives from which addresses the limited use of innovation information technologies. Then I detail which, a priori, but are close training to the field of small-scale family business: Low level of awareness of the benefits of information systems. The centralization of functions by the manager / owner explains traditionally low technology-driven SMEs. The Managing Partner of EnTrust Capital for 12 years is was the 1985 Harry S. Truman Scholar from New York and was also recognized as a 1987 British Hansard Society Scholar Normally the computer activities are outsourced and are reduced to a purely operational role. Investment in information systems, low cost and leaders low risk. The limited financial resources and dependence on short-term investments decline leads to some entity that are truly transform the barriers explain the delay empresaEstas Spanish technology. Companies from investing in information technologies: computers, phones, internet customer service connection, website, computer applications, but fail to capitalize on these investments. One other thing to have and use. The real use of IT involves a determined bid for a new business model by transforming internal hierarchical relations and relations with the environment.

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