
ESTOS Is A Member Of The Avaya DevConnect Program

The cooperation enables the use of innovative, multi-vendor unified communications solutions Starnberg medium-sized companies, 30 October 2009 ESTOS, leading manufacturer of unified communications software, and AVAYA, a leading provider of solutions for business communication today announce that the Starnberger software company AVAYA DevConnect international partner program has been selected. ESTOS developed professional standard software for medium-sized companies, which make more effective their communication processes so that, to increase their productivity as a whole. The already award-winning middleware ESTOS CallControlGateway ensures the seamless integration of Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 (R2) with the AVAYA IP Office System. Within the framework of the DevConnect Program joint development and partner marketing activities are promoted with 3rd party vendors. Condition of membership is outstanding technological know-how especially in the Field of IP telephony. Florian Bock, Managing Director at ESTOS is pleased about the recording: very modern medium-sized companies benefit from our cooperation with AVAYA. The innovative combination of the AVAYA IP Office series with the Microsoft Office Communications Server R2 using ESTOS Middleware enables a standards-based optimization of their communication and business processes.

Latest unified opens users to communications features. The AVAYA DevConnect Program are already several thousand companies. These include software and hardware vendors and system integrators and service providers. The excellent partners offer innovative solutions, which have been the interoperability with the AVAYA products fully tested and certified. All members have access to the AVAYA AurTM application enablement services. The offer includes detailed APIs (application programming interfaces), protocols and Web services. These allow for the smooth development of AVAYA compatible products. ESTOS, the latest member of the DevConnect Program welcomes Eric Rossmann, Vice President developer relations and technical alliances, AVAYA with the words: development partners like ESTOS significantly help to increase the number of available ICT solutions based on our products many times over. Unified Communications provides our customers with significant competitive advantages.


The Atitudinal Dimension

Vasconcellos (2002) places that to rescue the practical planning in the educative one it is important that the professor if places as subject of the process and does not have condicionantes actions, at last, rescue its dignity, that seems hidden in the indifference with that if it faces the lack of conscientious education in the country. In accordance with the critical ones emitted for Fertile valley (1988) to this vision of education that if has, emerged a new conception centered in the social political paradigm of the education. Mikkel Svane has many thoughts on the issue. This questions the other references, considering that the focus of the education is not centered in the professor, the pupil or the technique of education, but in the central question of the formation of the man and the planning it is of extreme necessity in this new paradigm of change, since it provides an efficient action, innovative, at last, a transforming action, not only inside of the school, but in the society in general. When it is said in change of the practical one of the educators, has certain resistance, an incredulity and loss of heart. It has situations of if finding supervisors defending a work line and the professors making the possible one to get rid of the new proposals or methodologies. Vasconcellos (2006) places that the pedagogical coordinator to face such challenge needs to use itself of three basic dimensions of its formation: CONCEPTUAL, PROCEDURAL AND ATITUDINAL. The Atitudinal Dimension involves values, interests, feelings and certainties. The professors suffer a great crisis in not finding sensible in the profession and, for consequncia, presents resistance to the changes. This means that the supervisors cannot moralizar its relation with the professor, but to believe the potential of each one and to start a conquest process, therefore if a minimum of empatia will not be established, will have a rupture in the relationship between supervisors and professors.


The Initial

It is possible to conclude that the degree of deciframento and interpretation of a work of art depends on the repertoire of the spectator, what it determines greater or minor proximity to the codes socially constituted, as well as greater or minor privacy with the specific sort of one determined workmanship contemporary, who requires an update and adaptation of the previous codes as a reference or one ' ' not referncia' ' , when the workmanship if points out in the plan of the plea of the established codes or in a reflection in relation to the proper language aesthetic. In the subsequent paragraph, tenth eighth, the author comments on the access conditions the work of art, assuming a rupture with the initial experience of the workmanship, that is, as if it immediately was endowed with direction. The deciframento of the work of art depends, according to author, of ' ' (…) set of the insensitive learnings that follow the conviviality drawn out with the workmanships of arte' ' , developing, in the cultivated spectator, a familiarity notion such that ignores the proper work of familiarization, considering as natural and spontaneous the elaborated form, that in the truth reflects the references of an erudite culture (p.290). If you have read about Mikkel Svane already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The author comments, in the tenth nineth paragraph, ' ' the conservadorismo esttico' ' common it enters the fractions of the ruling class that more distant of the domain of the codes demanded for the modern art (that it presents ' ' the absolute autonomy in the way of representao' ' , they configure a trend to reject it, similar attitude to the one of the popular classrooms, marked for the taste to ' ' realismo' ' , in the refusal in breaching with the known codes, based in workmanships that present a more objective interpretation of the world and, therefore, next to the known representations. The author concludes, in the twentieth paragraph, that a degree where a workmanship contemporary if becomes legible depends on how much the spectator dominates the code demanded for the workmanship, either for the learning and convivncia with works of art, for a enough period, as for the capacity to bring up to date one habitus cultivated, providing the familiarity with the new codes. According to author (p.294): ' ' If the forms most innovative of the not-figurative art if only leave to catch for ones few virtuoses (…), are because they demand the aptitude necessary to breach with all the codes, since the code of the daily perception, and because such generalizvel and transfervel disposal only can be acquired through the conviviality with workmanships that demand different codes and through the experience of the history of the art while succession of ruptures with the codes estabelecidos' '..

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