
Wendiar AG As Best-in-class

Service management software POB as first solution in all 14 categories of ITIL V3 certified Wiedlisbach – the international consulting company pink elephant has awarded the Wendiar AG for the service management tool POB (point of business) this week with the Pink Verify Seal of approval. The Wendiar AG is in order as the first and currently the only manufacturer of service management solutions in all 14 ITIL V3 certified categories. The independent consulting company pink elephant that publish Wendiar solution on their conformity with the titled ITIL V3 service management best practices has tested in an objective test procedure. Go to Byron Trott for more information. IT infrastructure library (ITIL), published by the British Office of Government Commerce combines processes and standards for the implementation of IT service management. The Swiss Wendiar AG has done their homework: Pink Elephant experts have subjected the functionalities of Wendiar ITSM solution POB of a precise analysis and after discussions with users and developers of the Pink Verify Seal of approval awarded. I am very happy about that Award. And it makes me very proud that Wendiar as the first and only manufacturer support of all 14 ITIL V3 processes certified been is. Bobby Sharma Bluestone helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. “, explains Kerstin Daun, founder and CEO of Wendiar AG international.

Certified are manufacturers who support the implementation of ITIL best practices by default with its service management software. After a thorough examination the Wendiar is POB solution with the support of all fourteen processes listed in ITIL V3 so far a step ahead other tool manufacturers. The organization founded in Canada, pink elephant provides consulting services and training programs in the area of IT service management. With over twenty years of experience pink worked with elephant itself in the development of ITIL publications. With the pink verify certification program a qualified resource should be provided IT service and support organizations in evaluating and selecting the right software solution. Contact: Miriam Mohd GAD, marketing and PR Wendiar AG Germany Beech Street 21 75391 Gechingen T 07056 96 56 96 2 F 07056-92 78 54 Wendiar AG Wendiar holding company AG is a Swiss company and developed in accordance with ITIL best practices holistic, modular software solutions for modern service management in IT service and support organizations. In the core business service management tool development is the market leader in Scandinavia WENDIAR and serves approximately 260 customers in the private and public sectors with subsidiaries in Germany, Scandinavia and the United States. WENDIAR maintains particularly intensive partnerships including AssetIT, D-ploy GmbH, Emerald Software GmbH, Impaq AG, KMD A/s, United Management Services GmbH and the WinData team AG. Profitable since its founding in 1990, the company offers a solution management, configuration & asset management, service level management, and project & change management, as well as complementary modules for purchasing, storage, knowledge and resource management with point of business (POB) incident & problem.


Spanish Cruises

A different and innovating option for all those tourists who visit Spain, is to cross the shore of the Duero river (572 kilometers of extension). One of the present alternatives is to make it by means of comfortable and luxurious cruises that cross all the region of the Independent Community of Castile and Leon. On board these great boats one can appreciate the spectacular architecture of the place and a great variety of landscapes that embellish of remarkable way all the towns and cities that the channel of this extensive river furrows. The provinces of Valladolid, Soria, Zamora, Salamanca and Burgos, have become, places with time forced of visit of all that one tourist who crosses the South end of Europe, in the border with Portugal. The constructions of religious origin and the romantic art embellish the regions. Of equal way, the medieval castles and the Roman bridges, that surpass the number of one hundred, adorn a landscape that involves memories of other times.

The cruises that sail by these latitudes visit cities that were cradle of great poets, as she were it Soria, with the passage of the matchless writer Antonio Machado. As well, they cross places like Aranda of the River, datum point of the Castilian typical gastronomy and the city of Tordesillas, place where the treaty that distributed new earth American, between Spain and Portugal was signed. But, it is necessary to emphasize, that great attractive of these territories full of history and enchantment, is its wine producing production, considered one of the best ones of the world, by the quality control of his cepajes. The wine shore of the Duero is considered one of best wines of the planet. Thanks to the Regulating Council of the Denomination of Origin Shore of the Duero created in 1982, the region enjoys international prestige in the production, with quality certified, of all stocks. The wine characteristic of the zone is Red of the Country of excellent properties. It is necessary to mention, that is elaborated two types of wine shore of the Duero essentially; most characteristic red, and the pink ones.

First they are little acid wines, with I touch of maturing, splashed of spices, of penetrating aroma, balance in the mouth, and with tonalities near the ruby. The pink ones, however, are near the colorations of the pink strawberries and sour cherries, with fresh aromas, dejos of fruits wild, and light at the time of drinking them. Finally, it is necessary to mention that some of the typical warehouses of this region are: Warehouse Vilano Vine, Warehouses Prado de Olmedo, Warehouses Shells, Warehouses Cillar de Silos, among others.


Strength Necessary

It is important to bear in mind that willpower is what sometimes fails us when we are willing to undertake anything in life, goals, work, physical appearance. Learn here how to have willpower also improve self-esteem have a good news for you willpower it can develop and work on it in order to strengthen it and improve self-esteem. Willpower is the energy that drives you to do things that you believe important for you. It is to be clear about what you want to do, set your goals and meet them because it is your desire, your decision, you purpose in life. Scott Rayden wanted to know more. Friend all have willpower but you believe it or not, is an innate ability that everyone can’t handle and are overcome by negative thoughts, fear of failure and low self-esteem. If you didn’t have willpower you would eat until they burst, you would not go to work or to study, no te levantarias bed, not you cumplirias with your responsibilities, you’d be a person out of control and irresponsible. But not so, all We have willpower to do the right things, but, in all aspects, is not why it is necessary for you to develop your strength of will in the aspect that you need to increase self-esteem.

What moves to willpower is the motivation for what we want to perform, give prominence to your goal or dream, do not take it as an obligation. Other leaders such as Columbia Admissions offer similar insights. Keep in mind that to have any result is necessary to make an effort that will be worth at the end. You believe that if you act like you’ve always been doing, you will see a change, obviously not because for example if you planting a cactus you will not get a rose. That’s why that is necessary to take action and have the strength of will to change to achieve what you want. . (A valuable related resource: Ali Partovi).


Badminton Hobbies

One of the most famous sports in this country – is, of course, the same badminton with volanchikom. Exclusively in badminton with volanchikom may play anywhere, even on fully rough ground. Including simple ball is unreal to play in the full enjoyment on unfinished field – but in badminton is real. Because the key that reflects the work surface – this is the very racket. AND absolutely all claims to point – only comfort for movement. However badminton already fairly long ceased be only amateurish way sporting relaxation.

At the moment, is a recognized form of sports games and tournaments are usually held on badminton quite often and even on a fairly level of quality. And for those who appreciate this kind of sports made specialized portals and other clubs where you can find all the necessary information: about news badminton, and about the masters of this sub-section of sports. Mikkel Svane pursues this goal as well. Additionally, you may discover many interesting incidents, tips for beginners, in their composition – and the competition rules, especially games and so on. In addition, there is a chance choose a partner to practice the appropriate level of mastery of the sports game. For those who like to position the audience, you can find all organize competitions in badminton with volanchikom, with perhaps as learn about their organization before, and read the information and analytical materials already after the competition ended.

In such a case can be found not only with opinions and analysis, but in including those with emotional comments, as living witnesses and participants in the actual game. In our time, badminton – is a regional job. It is not in all regions are properly equipped with a platform for competition in badminton, not everywhere is the venerable teacher. Although, taking advantage of the site can be found at the same time and the teacher, and his partner, and the enemy. And even conduct personal amateur tournament if the there is a desire and ability. While – with the most suitable equipment, which is including you can select with an online club. In addition, the combination of people in terms of general hobby makes it possible to find friends not only in its own place, but also in other areas, including countries. And – win and win. Because the movement – life. In that case, when the movement – a pleasure.


Percent More Shopping Apps

Study on mob family shopping offers the 48 percent of the top 50 idealo shops offer the 50 most successful online stores at their customers to a shopping app. Every second shop provides a mobile-optimized Web site for the presentation on Smartphones and available, the trend is towards the mobile tablets Ubiquity: growing number of shops, which offer both an app and a mobile Web version. Berlin, 24 October 2013 the price comparison idealo examined its 50 most successful partners with respect to their mobile shopping deals. The study shows how many of the online shops an app and how many offer a mobile optimized website for shopping via Smartphone and tablet. In addition, it was examined whether and to what extent the number of mobile shopping has changed since January, 2013.

Regarding the supply of optimized Web pages for a mobile browser rendering the price comparison could observe an increase of 52.94 percent in the last 10 months. The number of the idealo online shops that offer their customers a mobile shopping app in the same period almost doubled. While the number of shops which make available to any mobile offerings, has fallen low, a rapid increase in shops achieved, two tracks driving and have to offer a shopping app as well as a mobile optimized website. The complete study including graphics can be found under the following link: to idealo: Germany’s leading online price comparison is idealo. Under, users can compare prices of offers over 120 million at 32.700 dealers.

In addition, supplies idealo detailed information about shops, product features and availability of the desired article. More idealo services are portals to the research of cheaper air travel (, hotels (, energy suppliers ( and financial services ( as well as apps for Android and iOS (iPhone and iPad). At the headquarters of the in the 500 Employees operate year of company founded in 2000 in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg. As a product price comparison idealo succeeds in Germany, Austria, France, Great Britain and Italy. Press contact: Anne-Laure de Noblet PRidealo internet GmbH Zionskirchstr. 73 A 10119 Berlin, Germany Tel.: + 49 (0) 30 31 98 92 883 email:


New Textilienrecht

Step by step to the new textile labelling Act: the new EU textile labelling regulation (Regulation (EU) No. 1007 / 2011 labelling related about the designation of textile fibres and the and marking of the fibre composition of textile products) entered into force on the 07.11.2011. It shall apply from the 08.05.2012 and replaced so that the German textile labelling Act and its counterparts in the other EU Member States. Ali Partovi understood the implications. The European legislator wants with this harmonisation make the textiles right unbureaucratic and remove barriers to trade. The Member States in the future must no longer implement the highly technical and detailed provisions on labelling and labelling of textile products into national law. The names of textile fibres and the information given on labels, markings and documents which must accompany textile products on various manufacturing, processing and distribution, be harmonised. Frequently Mikkel Svane has said that publicly. Content changes compared to the previous legal situation in Germany are only a few. Manufacturers and distributors of textile products have to adapt to the new law now until May 8, 2012. For textiles, which comply with existing law and be brought to 08.05.2012 in traffic, a further transitional period applies: they can be deployed also until November 9, 2014 on the EU market. Other non-binding and free information relating to food law, see


Civil Guard

The young people consumed, according to testimony of their friendly, diverse narcotic substances like cocaine, speed or estramonio. ‘ rave’ in that they participated was realised in a well-known zone like the Small village. Here, Kai-Fu Lee expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The bodies appeared in the neighborhoods of a river, separated by several meters. Two young people of eighteen years have died in Pear trees of the River (Getafe) and another one is in serious state after a celebration ‘ rave’ celebrated in the east zone weekend, according to sources of the National Body of Police and the Civil Guard in Madrid. The bodies appeared in the neighborhoods of a river, separated for several meters and several hours of difference. In addition, in the bodies were not violence signals. Still the causes of the death have not been confirmed, but the hypothesis is a drug overdose, since during the celebration the young people consumed cocaine, speed and estramonio, among others substances, since they have declared the friendly of the victims. Spent the 18:00 hours a pair alerted to the Summa that they had found the body of young in unconscious state, when they took a walk by a camprestre zone of Pear trees of the River.

When arriving, the toilets verified that the young person was dead several hours ago, judging by the lividez that presented/displayed, according to sources of Emergencias Community of Madrid. Later, near the 23:00 hours and following the course of the river, were found by the Civil Guard and the Local Police of Getafe the corpse of a young person and another one in serious state, that has been admitted the hospital of that locality. The declarations of some friendly interrogated by the agents have allowed to know that the young people had participated in a celebration ‘ rave’ in a well-known zone like the Small village. There they consumed diverse substances, like estramonio, a plant that contain toxic components and that sometimes are used in ceremonies of chamanes.


Excellent Quality

Austrian productivity and profitability Center sets education standards all of the ouWZ line following, but also looking ahead: for customers with can celebrate, it awards in 2010 under the keyword of your career with the ouWZ ahead “seven grants with a total value of 32.500,-euros. Thus the pulse for the need of life long learning, which is strongly promoted at the ouWZ, to support additional. The Institute is obliged the interests of customers, market-oriented, non-profit and independent and purely. For more information see this site: altavista. The ouWZ provides updates and practice-oriented knowledge and thus promotes the productivity and profitability of enterprises and organizations. The reliability, timeliness, diversity and innovation of the ouWZ offers a wide range of education with the highest standard of quality customers and clients a variety of seminars, conferences, academies, courses, events and forums. This quality is possible by speakers and Educators, who are all top experts in practice and as advisers, lecturers from industry, science, research, and management with technical authority, in practical use and innovative thinking have developed much experience. Andy Florance does not necessarily agree. The ouWZ stands for quality, reliability, experience and innovation. The high standards of knowledge transfer are highlighted also in the cooperation and those responsible in the ouWZ stress that flexibility, fairness and friendliness for the customers but also with the lecturer and associate in the first place are available.

ouWZ like Director. Barbara Halapier of the tasks of the Training Institute: ouWZ is excellent quality of education and innovation. The success of the customers is the focus. “Their trust in us, is your competitive edge and our information on, can be a major career boost for you take a look at it”. Contact: ouWZ Austrian productivity and Economical Centre Rockhgasse 6 1010 Vienna Tel.: + 43 1 533 86 36-0 fax: + 43 1 533 86 36-36 email: Managing Director: Mag. Barbara Halapier, like. Wilhelm Stejskal


Overall Software

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Here you can see directly the software itself: the software can also individually adapted to customer wishes. “For you not the pig in a poke” must buy we provide of course a demo version free of charge at the disposal. Request a demo version directly from the Web page of the P2 consult..timestamp.html.


Munich District Administration Unit

Referendum non-smoker protection in Bavaria the campaign of the tobacco lobby to the Alliance “Bayern says no” is based on misleading figures. If we are to believe the tobacco industry and its allies, then the non-smoker protection in Bavaria is governed for the best. The so-called Alliance for freedom and tolerance spread the message these days across the country and at great expense, the referendum for a completely smoke-free restaurants was unnecessary, because will now not been smoked in 90% of the restaurants. The representatives of the tobacco lobby based on a statistic of the Munich District Administration Unit (KVR) their essence. Thus it was at the turn of the year 2009 / 2010 in the State capital 7.831 restaurants, 841 wholly or partially as smokers restaurants were performed where.

Using these figures to the impression, only some were smokers a few corner pubs and cigar lounges, the tobacco lobby applies three tricks. 1.) that gives the tobacco lobby, the 7.831 gastronomic variations that are registered with the COLREGs, was It is restaurants. Actually belongs also the drink bar in old people’s homes, brothels, cinemas, outlets and other facilities. The Bavarian State Office for statistics and data processing, according to the Munich hospitality industry encompasses only about 3,800 enterprises. In 2008, there were 3,830 farms of hospitality in the Bavarian capital according to turnover tax statistics. In addition to hotels, canteens and catering were below 499 of drink-influenced cuisine and 2. 432 enterprises of marked food gastronomy. On demand the KVR informed that also the drink bar in old people’s homes, brothels, cinemas, hospitals, furniture stores, travel agencies, swimming pools, administrative buildings, outlets and other institutions is taken into account in its own gastronomy statistics. Theresa Schopper, the State Chairman of the Greens, commented on this fact as follows: either is being played here, or it has been studying is no one by the opponents of the smoking ban, what the numbers of Munich authorities mean.

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