
GmbH Solutions

ERP/ERP software manufacturer VARIO AG and ClipVilla GmbH the portal for the production of professional promotional videos for use in marketing and E-Commerce seal partnership VARIO Software AG and the ClipVilla GmbH work together closely in the future. The companies have agreed a strategic partnership, combining the expertise of both companies to expand their product portfolios and to be able to offer its customers a genuine utility maximization. The VARIO Software AG is one of the leading software manufacturers in the goods sector / ERP with interfaces to online shops and sales portals such as ebay and amazon sees this partnership one step further to the enlargement of its product portfolio. The VARIO Software GmbH company successfully sells software solutions for manufacturers, wholesale, retail and chain stores as well as solutions for E-Commerce and mail order for over 20 years. Still, industry solutions for textile trade, call & repair centers, as well as solutions with direct links to online shop systems. DMS and archiving software round off the product portfolio.

Often different software solutions used in companies for the different roles and departments. So, used the inventory control software for billing and CRM-software used to manage addresses and can create campaigns and series-E-mails. Sales activities go to the successful campaign, such as mailings, phone logs, supply and job creation are supported, the user always between two programs must change. In all activities and generated documents should be easily searchable, archived and made quickly available to everyone. When you call an address, all activities should be immediately and for all visible and collected not only in different programs. Therefore, more and more entrepreneurs rely on the modular software solution VARIO 7. She offers a classical and cross-industry ERP and CRM software solution DMS (document management solution) VARIO 7 an enterprise content management (ECM) on. Of course, with the VARIO 7 can be also campsites, camp circles, chaotic inventory management, inventory, minimum inventory, order suggestion list, warehouse management, stock, stock values, storage locations, Commission bearing, batch management, label printing, inventory valuation, input statistics, supplier data and surroundings with only a software manage ERP solution.


Fraunhofer Research Institute

Seminar”software architecture”at the Fraunhofer Institute for experimental software engineering IESE (April 15-17) are architectures the decisive factor to be successful in the development and evolution of software systems. They help technically objectively to evaluate decisions in the system operation and to master their implementation. In practice is often unclear about where and how architectures deployed and which methods and tools can be achieved improvements. The Fraunhofer Institute for experimental software engineering IESE creates solutions for this and offers the seminar under the umbrella of the Fraunhofer Academy software architecture “on. The next basic course will be held from April 15 to 17 at the site of the Fraunhofer IESE in Kaiserslautern.

Optional training can be extended through a complementary seminar two days. Software architectures define plans on properties, characteristics and structures of the software. Allow for one predictions regarding the achievement of Requirements, to the other can be planned the implementation and progress controls. And last but not least architectures that are there to keep the systems flexible to changes and at the same time to comply with the cost and time requirements of management. The development and use of software architectures is here understood as an ongoing activity, which must take place during the entire lifetime of a system.

To give decision makers as well as developers and engineers independently comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge of the opportunities and tools of software architecture, Fraunhofer IESE together with the Fraunhofer Academy offers the three-day basic course”software architecture”. The participants have the opportunity to build up expertise and to apply the learned in practical exercises within the framework of the seminar. To deepen the knowledge acquired, the seminar can be extended either to two days. The Exchange with our experts at the Fraunhofer IESE, as well as the practical case examples allow participants a realistic and detailed preparation for the daily grind as a software architect,”explains Dr. Roman gods, Managing Director of Fraunhofer Academy. The seminar”software architecture” is part of the training offer of Fraunhofer Academy in the field of information and communication ( de / information_kommunikation.html). It is aimed at software architects, software developers, project manager, quality Manager, engineers with focus on software development and decision makers with experience from all sectors of developing software. Fraunhofer Academy as a contribution to a new culture of innovation provides the Fraunhofer Academy in cooperation with renowned partner universities excellent training specialists and managers. The basis is the Fraunhofer Research Institute. The tight integration between research, industrial application and in-service training is the special feature of the Fraunhofer Academy. The training includes in-service courses, Certificate programs and seminar series. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft for more information at the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft operates more than 80 research institutions, of which 60 institutions in Germany. More than 20,000 employees and staff, predominantly with natural or engineering and scientific education, edit the annual research budget of 1.8 billion euros.


Economics Faculty

This is once again the repeated conclusion of the computer science professor Debora Weber-Wulff. Plagiarism software is not good for science. This is the repeated conclusion of the computer science professor Debora Weber-Wulff of the Berlin Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft in a recent lecture. Software from the Anglo-American room wouldn’t come along often with umlauts. Correct literal quotations would be classified as plagiarism because the quotation marks in the Anglo-American region look different than in the German operation of science. Also redrafting of original passages would hardly discovered by the current plagiarism software.

Translations of one into the other language could not be assessed as ever by this plagiarism software. The same applies to so-called structure plagiarism”, i.e. the assurance of building and the argument sequence of their own work according to one existing source. In contrast, the current plagiarism software on the search jump to after mere copies even with common phrases. So that is “first plagiarism in Guttenbergs dissertation the law and Economics Faculty of the University of Bayreuth”.

Then, any plagiarism software finds plagiarized of the entire dissertation Guttenbergs, only 5 percent while there were 95 per cent in reality. Another example, that lists Mrs Prof. Weber-Wulff, is a doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universitat, a passage correctly, was quoted however from the Super Illu magazine”; the thesis was anyway. Mrs Prof. Weber-Wulff therefore advocates of the senses and the mind of the examiner as plagiarism software”to use, not computer-aided plagiarism software. Furthermore proposes Mrs Prof. Weber-Wulff, a year upstream University basic training each student. Ultimately this is nothing more than the Studium generale”, that our parents and grandparents as a normal baseline experienced. Reason for this proposal is that even Mrs Prof. Weber-Wulff of believes, that high school graduates these days the actual Qualification no longer came to, to actually start in universities. A professor from the audience of this lecture complained that 60 percent of alone the chores of the freshmen contained plagiarism. The author of this present contribution had represented the unsuitability of any plagiarism software years ago, just as he continuously addressed the declining level of education at secondary schools as well as universities in the context of the degree, that makes life harder now academic ghost writers. “” Harald Bahner sources including this news: updates to the academic ghost writer industry section plagiarism and plagiarism control “, plagiarism software and other moon cows”, news from the 03.12.2012, News Overview, Harald Bahner under Unter den Linden 21 D-10117 Berlin Tel.: + 49 (0) 30 297 79 117 company portrait: is one the best-known and most established provider of serious academic ghost writer – and writers – related services in the German-speaking as well as provider of scientific coaching, scientific advice and General writing based in the heart of Germany – Berlin, under the Linden/Friedrichstrasse.


Maintenance Services

Maintenance software CareSocial now on Android systems without permanent Internet connection available since January 2013 associated collection care for outpatient nursing services under certain circumstances with significantly more work than in the previous year, to demand a detailed accounting because the nursing orientation law provides among other things the possibility the patient, instead of power complexes. If such care contracts are with the patients, increases the effort to document of the care services for the nurses, as well as the administrative staff. Therefore the usage of mobile data collection solution, digital stores the applications and services on the tour is almost inevitable. Matching the data recorded on the tour later in a synchronization run on the jobs the administrative staff transmitted, so that both the patient and the nursing has the opportunity to document the activities carried out in a transparent and settle. In contrast to the often used paper collection saves itself the care services for mobile data entry equal double the work: the meticulous place parking as well as the manual matching of data is automated by the software solution. The Dresdner software solution for nursing services CareSocial”uses mobile data collection on the Android operating system, since smartphones are very inexpensive to purchase with your Linux system and often in the care services to make calls on the tours are already a.

The purchase of special equipment, which could be connected under conditions with high costs, is not required. As well, the data acquisition solution of CareSocial GmbH is a so-called offline solution”, i.e., an employee requires no Internet connection during the mobile data entry to data synchronization. The data can be cost-effectively transferred E.g. in the Wi-Fi of the care service. CareSocial CareSocial heard about several hundred installations since 2007 in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland to one of the first Web-based software solutions for nursing services. The CareSocial GmbH is an innovative software company with its headquarters in Dresden, as well as several partner stores in the entire Federal territory. Find more information about the care software on the Internet at.


Professional Edition

The new version of CRM software is combit relationship manager available software company combit is the sixth version of its CRM solution, combit relationship manager (cRM) put on the market. Top features of the cRM 6 include a social media integration, an improved scheduling and server-side events. Included, six turnkey solutions are included, which can be incorporated in the own cRM solution almost unchanged. Because social media marketing plays an increasingly important role in customer relationship management, it supports combit relationship Manager 6 popular social media platforms, as well as online directories such as XING, Facebook or linkedin. The server-side events to facilitate the daily work: they automatically trigger a workflow if necessary. For example, a customer complaint over a certain period remains unedited, the responsible service staff gets a message. Thanks to the monitoring of the data set, any change to the data set is reported. Administrators are the connection to Active Directory enjoy, which allows import and synchronisation of user data.

Many functions were also expanded and improved. For example, dates can be and coordinate the tasks now for teams and multiple data sets and categorize. An improved Outlook AddIn to facilitate the processing of incoming emails. The cRM 6 guarantees in addition to new connections including saving time: according to manufacturer is outputting a report compared to the previous version by up to 30 percent faster. And when opening and working in views, as well as when the application starts, the pace is increased significantly. In addition, software manufacturer has optimized the suitability for use of combit list & label 16 Report Designer integration. With the new designer object of gauges, you can immediately see the actual values when compared to the minimum, maximum, and optimum and spend.

The drill-down reporting enables a user-friendly processing of three-dimensional data. Prices and Verfugkarkeiten: The combit relationship Manager 6 is in 3 editions available: As standard, professional and Enterprise Edition. The Enterprise Edition includes all service packs, all feature updates and the updates on major releases within the term of the contract (software maintenance). More information about the new features and licensing can be found under: crm software/new version of combit-crm solution cRM Standard Edition available from 583 euro, the Professional Edition is $1,000 and the Enterprise Edition from 1059 euro, incl. VAT. As a rental license Standard Edition costs 35 euros per user per month, the Professional Edition 42 euro, incl. VAT and net quantity scales. See testversion can interested the free 45-day trial try.


Solution Advisor

Microsoft calls a letter in which they will be prompted to the immediate Microsoft license inventory recording the software to the software license inventory recording currently shipped Microsoft at many companies in Germany. In this letter, you will be directed to a Microsoft partner at the same time, it should support them in software testing. Current experience show us that Microsoft SAM partner sometimes report licensing errors directly to Microsoft. Thus provided the company no chance to fix the problem with a fait accompli. Offered even an external company to support in the Microsoft license inventory recording and finds this a false licensing, so you are forced to buy expensive all missing licenses in the new open. To have the option to fix a potentially occurring under-licensing before Microsoft is pointed out the error, you should contact Microsoft before the examination by the an external independent consultant of the license.

For example, the USC GmbH as a certified license surveyor is also specialist for used Software and new software and shows you the most cost effective solution. So the necessary licenses can be purchased at a sublicensing cheap, before the completed license questionnaire passed Microsoft. A parent licensing, excess and no longer used software licenses can be sold just to the U-S-C GmbH. So don’t panic if the (SAM) Microsoft calls software asset management or the business software Alliance (BSA) requires insight into your license management. Who advance smart reacts and is independent and fair advice, is on the safe side. In case of enquiries, please contact: Peter Reiner, Ramersdorferstr. 1, 81669 Munich, FON: + 49 (0) 89 600 87 86 0, E-mail: about U-S-C software & computer: the founded in 2004 U-S-C GmbH, headquartered in Munich is a specialist for the trade with used and new Microsoft software. Also hardware (servers, personal computers) is offered for 2011.

In addition, U-S-C as a license expert leads all License analysis of software asset management (SAM) through. When used software vendor buys, sells and exchanges U-S-C only used products which are in the complete original state and therefore 100 percent legal security can be traded. The license transfer is always done in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. U-S-C is Adobe software partners and certified Citrix partner and can support the implementation at the customer own Citrix technicians as silver Solution Advisor. More information under: blog to used software:.


Movable Devices

This element is most visible at the time of designing for moving bodies. We give to consider that the resolution is very varied, from 9665 pixels to devices of 800480. For that reason our design must be fluid, that is to say that adapts to any resolution, for it we must use percentage instead of fixed dimensions. Also we must consider that there is difference of a computer, the screen of a moving body tends more to be extended, is for that reason that ” layout” of the page it must adapt to this fact. Instead of arrange the elements horizontally we must vertically make it. Limitations of memory the memory of a movable device is considerably smaller of the one than we arrange in a normal computer.

If our page is heavy most probable is than the device on passes its capacity and it is disappointed, therefore he is critical to consider this element, because we simply ignored if it our page will not work. The size recommended for a page is 7782 bytes Absence of mouse, in its place intensive use of keyboard, or screens touch. The interaction between the device and the user, is very different with respect to the computer. In the movable devices the keyboard is used mainly, in addition we have other peripheral ones, like touch screens and joystick. He is indispensable to put keyboard short cuts, to facilitate the usabilidad of the page. For this we can use: Link Uses a radio network and cost of navigation the movable devices sail using a radio network, which offers mobility to us, but is even inestrable, uncertain and expensive. The operators offer the service of Internet generally, with plans that are based on the amount of data transferred instead of the time that is used. For that reason we must try to reduce the number of pages and steps to arrive at the information To explode characteristic own of the movable devices Until the moment we have spoken of the complications that it involves to design for movable devices, but we must take into account that exist great advantages. It is for that reason that we do not have to limit to us to adapt the presentation of our page we must operate its virtues, geolocalizacin, sensitivity of direction, availability of camera, access from any place, major attention, etc. recommended Reading: Blackberry Browser 4.6.

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