
Indonesia Countries

They are beautiful, slender, thin, symmetrical in its proportions, light, don’t have cravings, not asking for anything or making them luxurious gifts and also make us spend unforgettable moments. And if that was little, did not discuss or need an hour to fix it: always ready. No my dear reader, was not wrong from paginaes which corresponds, all the time we referred to a tablet or a Smartphone, that have conquered the hearts of men. But beyond that, talk about the new Samsung Galaxy S III recently presented in public at the event Unboxed Samsung held in London with the London Metropolitan Orchestra supporting the opening of this unforgettable moment, as unique is also the service electronic in Mendoza that guarantees the full of these ingenious systems enjoyment. Social impact of the technology of smart phones Internews unveiled a report entitled the promise of ubiquity in which considers the expansion of mobile telephony in developing countries, with their peculiarities that make a difference with developed countries but the truth is that, according to the criterion of the experts, in short time mobile telephony will be the primary means of communication, and Moreover, will fill an important space in each person’s life since almost all daily actions will run through these systems, as it reflects the magazine that presents multiple services and revolutionary applications for this environment, as it is the case of the FrontlineSMS, software for sending and receiving messages of text used in more than fifty countries and that empowers farmers in Indonesia, Laos and El Salvador be informed of your production processes. In addition, sufferers may benefit when there is a warning system that tells you when to take your medications and dosage; Finally nothing escapes from the applications of these systems and makes its impact on everyday life of such a nature that makes it almost essential for their survival in this digital world that we enjoy.


IPad: The Table Of Apple

Apple divulged with antecedence that would be launching a new product in the market, as the mark is famous for the innovation, all waited the launching anxiously. To the announced being a species of tablet, that it took the name of Ipad, had negative manifestations of the consumers, some found odd and others were said disappointed. In the first day of sales, Apple already showed that in the practical a thing it would be different. They had been vendidos on this day, about 300 a thousand Ipads and this number continues in high, since after 80 days of its launching already are more than 3 million sales. a related topic. What it will be that made a product criticized in its announcement to possess a so good number of sales? To start any is not a product, is an Apple, this already makes all the difference. The product as all Apple, is easy to use and not necessary to be carrying of great technological abilities to install it, however most impressive it is the screen. With 9,7 counts you obtain to visualize you will detail that never a cellular one would allow, screen also possesss good sensitivity to the touch, answering quickly to the commands of the user. The digital keyboard can be used to type with two hands, facilitating the navigation of the user in the Internet.

Thinking about as becoming still better the navigation, the device possesss Bluetooth and Wireless and its becomes THEM any pretty applicatory site and of if using, since to roll the pages and to apply zoom they are actions that are faster and performticas. If the screen has a negative point, would be its cleanness. As the device is all touch, it lacked an attention to the material to be used, since the screen of the Ipad is engordurada quickly with the contact of the fingers in the screen. Clearly that being well bigger and better that a Iphone, it also well more is weighed than a Iphone, but the 680 weight of gr. is equivalent about fifth of the weight of one notebook, what for its size it is well surprising. Unhappyly, as all technological newness, the Ipad is delaying to arrive at Brazil and the forecast of that it would arrive in the start of June, was not marked. Apple also did not divulge how much it would be the price of iPad in the country, then we can in them base the American average of 629 dollars and only twist so that let us can quickly be enclosed to this new technological world.


Educational Computer

For the author, the technologies are used initially to make better what already it was fact, that is, as organizacional tool, with data base for organization of the information, automatizing the routines, at the same time that the pupils find in the technologies tools of support to the learning; later new spaces and activities are created that coexist the traditional ones, as the video to illustrate the lesson, accomplishment of projects and exposition of activities of professors pupils, professors consider virtual activities in group, lists of quarrels, fruns, blogs, podcasts and production of video, being considered these, complementary activities, what truth valley is the actual lessons and the notes; finally, in the third stage the school and university suffer changes in the way as the contents are directed, have a flexibilizao of the curricular organization, the management of education/learning. Such adaptation still finds obstacles as the social tradition and expectations. According to Brave (1993), an use joint of computer science and Internet in the schools are in projects or activities extraclassroom, that does not modify the way as the contents are given. These forms of use of the computer in the school, according to exactly author, evidence the recognition of the importance of its use and at the same time the disinterest in facing the implications that cause its use them you discipline, as investment in the formation of professors. This form of use of the resources is called Educational Computer science. Educational Computer science, constitutes the use of the computer science resources as Internet, publishers of images and the resources of Microsoft Office, to develop activities under definitive subject, normally of choice of the professor. In this context, the use of such tools, comumente is associated the accomplishment of projects, gincanas and other events and to the daily use in the education institution or is not of it as complementary activity. .


IPod Transfer

A very frequent problem in the users of the music reproducers iPod is the one that this comes restricted so that we did not prune to accede to the music archives (at least not of a easy way), this is really a problem for many mainly when we want to use as endorsement of our music to this apparatus but we cannot realise it because in the end we will not be able to accede to our music. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Samsung Electronics and gain more knowledge.. Today I am going to them to recommend an article where they speak and they give advice to be able to transfer music of iPod to Mac of a easy way and but the important thing, free, and this is because nowadays they exist many software that allows us to realise this function, of payment, other gratuitous ones but in the end all they would help us to realise what we needed; to transfer the songs..


Test Strategy

Strategy of Test In accordance with Emerson Rios and Trayah Moreira, in the book Test of Software (Rio De Janeiro, High Books, 2003): ' ' In the formularization of the test strategy factors must be taken in consideration diverse, such as the transport and importance of software, its requirements, the stated periods established, risks of the business and the costs envolvidos' '. On the basis of this we can affirm that a test strategy must include the periods of training or levels of tests to be boarded (unit, integration, system and acceptance); phase of the development where if it applies the cited test; the types of tests that must be executed (functional, performance, load, estresse etc.); the techniques and tools to be employed in the test (functional or structural); the criteria of conclusion and success of the tests that will be applied. For example, the criteria can determine that software evolves for the acceptance test when 95% of the cases of tests will have been executed with success. Techniques of test: it is process that assures the correct functioning of some aspects of the software or a unit of software. According to norm IEEE 610,12-1990, the techniques are managemental procedures technician and that help to the evaluation and the improvement of the process. Period of training or levels of tests: it is defined by the phase of the development that if applies one definitive test. A strategy of tests also can be defined on the basis of the risks of software. In this case the Plan of Tests must foresee to cover all the inherent risks to the system. The strategy of tests can be defined ' ' dentro' ' of the Plan of Tests (lesser cases of lesser companies or projects) or separately (cases of great companies and great projects).



In the last decade the mannering changes of the users of mobile telephony (cellular), not yet opened a question answered by the operators. Already it is known that smartphones is main the responsible ones for these changes. Estma that the use of data already surpassed far of the use of voice in these equipment, that is, we use more the writing of it says what it stops communicating in them. With the expansion of the net 3G, more and more people the Internet tem access saw smartphone. the Living creature, TIM, Clearly and OI. They esteem that almost 2000 cities already are taken care of by these nets, that already pass for a transformation process or upgrade as they say the tecnolgos, all wait the stroke of a bell so net 4G as possibility of 21/mbps of speed. After all: With as much technology, it will be that the relationships will be touched way smartphones?


Russian Software

The company "Alley Software" participated in the interregional scientific-practical conference "The University Library: responding to challenges", held December 1-2 at the Urals State University. 110 participants conference (among them – representatives of 27 libraries of universities and IT-companies and publishing houses have come from 13 cities of Russia. The main question under discussion the speakers and the audience – the functioning of the university library in conditions of rapidly developing information society. Have been affected by the possibility of new services, increasing the role of libraries in the educational process, the issues of recruitment and knigoobespechennosti, increase the interest of students in reading, place the library in the World Wide Web and the introduction of social services to establish close contacts with users, the organization of educational work of the library. Considerable attention has been paid to the conference to provide access to electronic editions of teachers to students of universities. At the conference a round table "Electronic Library System: pro et contra, in which Representatives of five companies: Software Alley, Knigafond, Inc. "Direct-Media," "Biblioteh", and the educational and publishing center "Academy." Have been affected by all the important aspects of working with eletkronno-library systems from providing electronic access to publications to build the library information Dondo.

Specialist "Software Alley," Nikita Melnikov, spoke about various issues create internal systems at the university: standards and requirements of the GEF GER – including registration – to the DEC, the current situation in universities, the market data systems and the scheme of their creation. According to the speakers and listeners, the format of the roundtable, which involves an open discussion after the speeches, did talk very much alive and vibrant. "Because in a round stode were active simultaneously all the speakers, it was possible to clearly trace how the issue has been resolved each company and to objectively evaluate and compare the solutions proposed for the DEC. " – Said Nikita Melnikov, manager of "Alley of Software" – "were pleased plenty of questions, personal comments and opinions from the audience – Ural library region can rightly be called one of the most active. I would like to thank the organizers of the conference: the event was a bang, as listeners and presenters were pleased with the results obtained and a lot of new useful information. For those who have not had the opportunity to attend the conference, we posted a video recording of reports. "


Service Resistance

The idea for writing this article, served as my trip to a place where there is practically no communication with the outside world, in other words, devoid of all the conditions of civilization. Get spare parts for repair dvd / cd player is simply impossible. Next radio market is more than 1000 km. from the settlement. Before proceeding to the main topic, read the main faults, symptoms and methods to address them. Peter Asaro is full of insight into the issues. The main reasons for malfunctions dvd / cd player include: -Failure of the laser head, spindle-motor;-in rare cases, the decoder board, usually the camera does not read discs from any supported format player, or stopped reading MP3 and dvd, begins to lose some moments from a slowdown or even displays a message: no disk, after you press the ‘OPEN’ leaves the carriage and the disc continues to rotate.

Basically, these faults are eliminated by replacing the defective component or module. In rare cases, you can avoid cleaning the laser head. Caught in the not so favorable conditions, I repaired more than twenty devices using only the following supplies and equipment: A standard set of screwdrivers, a simple-ohmmeter;-wool and alcohol;-lube; Not having the service manual (service manual) I have developed the following algorithm for repairs. 1. Check the resistance motor windings. In the healthy motor resistance should be within 12 ohms. If the resistance below 4.6 ohms, you should remove the engine, disassemble it, clean the brushes and the collector contacts. After that lubricate the motor shaft. If you do not help go to the next item.


Company Inter Power

Depending on the number of blocks is chosen cabinet size. Byron Trott can aid you in your search for knowledge. All of the above equipment would not make sense, if there were no speakers or just the speakers. Company Inter M produces a very wide range of speakers, intended for use in broadcast systems and alarm systems. The main difference between the speaker designed to work in broadcast systems and alarm systems from ordinary household speakers, for example, from the musical centers, is the presence of the first matching audio transformer. As mentioned above, the output voltage signal from the amplifier output power ranges from 70 to 100 volts. In order to stress that the dynamics are not out of order, and connected in parallel several loudspeakers within the zone alarm total low resistance is not taken out of the system output transformer power amplifier uses a matching audio transformers. Depending on the nominal operating power of the speaker audio transformers are different, specially designed, the input resistance.

The calculation is based on the maximum output voltage of power amplifiers Uout (100 volts) and rated power of the speaker Pout: R = Uout 2 / Pout. Thus, any loudspeaker, designed to work in broadcast systems and warning Inter M can work with any power amplifier, regardless of its power output. However, we must bear in mind that total nominal capacity of the speaker should be no higher output power amplifier. Otherwise total resistance of the speaker undermines the output transformer amplifier. Inter M speakers are divided into several categories. On execution of the speakers are locks (cut into the outboard ceiling) and mounted (mounted on the wall).


Educational Technology

Between the Spanish specialists, Sarramona Lpez (1994) affirms that the Educational Technology is that one that reflects on the application of the technique the resolution of educative problems, justified in effective science at each historical moment. It emphasizes the control of the education system and learning as central aspect and quality assurance, at the same time where it understands that the options more important they are related with the type of technique that agrees and as to incorporate it adequately. Currently, in Argentina, Litwin (1993) considers a conceitualizao of the field that recoups especificidade: ' ' we understand the Technology Educational as body of knowledge that, being based on you discipline scientific directed for the practical ones of education, incorporate all the ways its reach and answer the accomplishment of ends in the contexts partner-descriptions that confer it significao. The Educational Technology, is worried about the practical ones of education, the examination of the theory of the communication and the new technological developments includes enters its concerns: computer science, today in first place, the video, and TV, the radio, audio and impressos' '. INCLUSIVE EDUCATION TENOLGICA the technology has a basic paper in the society. It is around this technology, mainly of the technology of the information, that has created an enormous perspective of improvement in the life of the people in all aspects, are they, social, cultural or ambient. What we can observe is that the technology evolves more in the economic and social political aspects, when this evolution could is happening in the general brainstorming for problem. With the technologies of the information and communication, it had great changes in the form of the individual if to mainly communicate and to become related with the others, in what if di in relation to the learning and education of the people with physical deficiencies, or pupils special, thus becoming the technology of the information a potential tool of work of the professor to help in the concretion of the inclusion of the pupils with necessities special, therefore we cannot deny if we understand and we learn that the education is a right of all, then we cannot deprive these people that it usufructs of this technology.

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