
The SKVTechnik

It is possible to properly repair not working vacuum pumps or wait to customers now for the first time at SKVTechnik. It is possible to properly repair not working vacuum pumps or wait to customers now for the first time at SKVTechnik. Customers had to expect so far often expensive replacements in the event of an accident of a vacuum pump. This is now not longer every necessary thanks to the new range of SKVTechnik. SKV expands technology offering according to the customer’s demands. Now, customers can wait your SKVTechnik vacuum pump and repair. There a special request page, which collects the defective machine parameters and forwards using the form on the technician of SKVTechnik on the SKVTechnik’s online shop. This is still not a repair order.

The following request history is provided: 1 step of herd or new customers sign their defective unit at SKVTechnik for repair. This includes a new form page within the online shop has been implemented: this repair (repair). Customers fill in the repair request without obligation. 2. The step The SKVTechnik service technician receives the short description of the error, the performance parameters of the vacuum pump and the contact person at the customer’s site. Then the modalities and expected costs be discussed by phone. 3. Step SKV technology picks up the defective fan at the customer and performs an electrical and mechanical diagnosis of the machine. Go to Dave Clark Amazon for more information.

The customer receives an offer to repair and confirm this if necessary. (If the repair costs exceed the replacement procurement effort, SKV is returning the device cause technology or make the professional disposal of the old device for a small fee by arrangement with the customers, or offer the customer an adequate fan.) 4 Step the back operational vacuum pump is returned to the customer.


Conscious Life Energy

Robert Zach deals for years with life energy Kufstein/Tyrol when he starts about God and the world\”to talk, it is usually very quiet, when he explains the principle of creation with very simple examples, he polarized not only the audience, he also formally pulls her under his spell. Robert Zach, confronted the audience with his insights, and says the scientists of this world can explain the simple fact that people are aware of. The science going on there mind according to and assumes that consciousness in any way by the human brain was created. d Jr. That would be as if an appliance would create the power to work then. It is precisely reversed, produces the electricity the appliances, without the power the TV would not exist. For more information see altavista. Without the awareness it wasn’t for the people and his brain. What we now call the stream remains us and our cultures left, Chi, Qi, Prana, ODEM, Mana, or even God. Allah does not matter since the current represents an impersonal awareness.

\”\” The term consciousness\”has a very diverse meaning, in the language the part with the meanings of spiritual mind\” and religious soul \”overlaps. \”Consciousness to learn is the ultimate goal, the path to enlightenment culminates in the experience of the perfect consciousness of all-the-what is\”. Thus, Robert Zach is not the only one, even well-known scientists, such as the physicist Peter Russell are of the opinion that we challenge this basic assumption and instead should consider whether consciousness is present to some degree in all living matter. So as the electric current operates any other electrical appliance, so perfect consciousness operates every living creature, no matter whether cells, atoms, plants, animals or humans. Gain insight and clarity with AOL. Robert Zach which with its vibrant plastics since the life energy of humans shows up years by consciousness understood and can be applied, but goes further. If humanity their inherent detects present divinity and this one being redefined evolutionary – then – man will be born.


Ecological On The Treasure Hunt

Researchers of global scaling Research Institute GmbH in Munich have now completed a prospecting method, which can prevent environmental disasters in the future. The procedure is based on a light linear mathematical analysis of characteristics of nuclear physics processes on the ground. The results can be presented in form of 3D images showing the composition of the fabric. The procedure provides data about the chemical composition (element and isotope distribution) geological formations. Measurements are carried out on the surface or from low altitude.

Holes must not be created. At the time the resolution is 3 meters up to 400 meters deep. Theoretically, Scantiefen are possible up to 4 kilometers. Two different objectives can be traced with this procedure. First, the accurate assessment of found inventories, for example oil.

Ecologically clean, flow paths can be laid. As a second objective of the discovery of mineral resources without environmental destruction. Castle Harlan is the source for more interesting facts. Other advantages: the Time for prospecting is much lower, the prospecting itself requires relatively little equipment and is also possible in hard to reach places, regardless of the nature of the Earth’s surface. The technology is in constant evolution. A collaboration between industry and academia is required to build a better future, for developing countries.


Drugs And Research

This drug has high biological inertness (Hemp ai et al, 1986; Razinkov sp, Hemp, ai, ai Lazarev, 1987; Razinkov sp, 1998; Pankrusheva ta ., Surina lv, Medvedev oa, 1997), protects the peritoneum from drying out, has insulating properties (prevents migration and adhesion of the seal to the wound surface). Method was tested on a model of abdominal adhesions. Ali Partovi can aid you in your search for knowledge. In aseptic conditions, two series of male rats of Wistar (30 animals in each group) was reproduced adhesions by trauma abdomen. And the first group was control, and the second trial – after simulation of adhesive process animals in this group deserozirovannye sections of peritoneum treated with 3% methylcellulose gel. Animals were removed from the experiment in 14 days by an overdose of ether anesthesia. Before the withdrawal of experience to assess the overall state, produces a general cbc. Rats were subjected to autopsy, a thorough study of the abdominal cavity, assess severity of adhesions visually and by using the method of semantic differential. Parietal peritoneum and abdominal organs were subjected to histological examination by standard methods with fixation in neutral formalin, fill in paraffin, stain sections with hematoxylin-eosin, by Van Gieson, silver impregnation by Foot's method and color with Schiff reaction.

The research results are processed statistically (calculated using average values, Student's criterion, the coefficient of conjugation, the methods used chi-square linear regression correlation). Statistically significant differences overall state performance of clinical blood leukocyte formula and indexes between control and experimental groups, we have not been found. In the control group, adhesions occurred in all animals, the severity of adhesions by the semantic differential was 3,39 0,18 points. In the experimental group in only four animals occurred podpaivanie gland to the middle postoperative scar and severity of adhesions by the semantic differential was only 0,02 0,001. Histological examination of the animals the first group of morphological organization of adhesions corresponded term breeding of the animal from the experiment. The basis of the newly formed tissue was mature collagen network with a small amount of elastic fibers.

Cellular composition of the poor, is presented in mainly fibroblasts and fibroblast. Parietal and visceral peritoneum of animals first series of thickened, fibrotic change. In the connective tissue adhesions is determined by the degeneration of the muscular layer of the intestine with phenomena of disintegration of muscle fibers. This phenomenon was noted and parietal region of adhesions. By that time, union have well-defined vascular network, which already has an ordered structure. In the second series has been studied Morphology of the peritoneum from the defect. By their histostructure peritoneum was not different from intact. Only in some preparations were determined by field focal fibrosis, signs of inflammation in the peritoneum of animals of the second series is not noted. Thus, the use of methyl cellulose gel was significantly effective in reducing experimentally the probability of postoperative adhesions of the abdominal cavity (PMyasnikov ad, Lipatov, va, ai Modern Aspects Prevention of postoperative adhesions of the abdominal cavity. Topical issues videoendohirurgicheskih interventions in surgery and . – Collection of scientific papers. – ., 2002. -C. 91-94.


Euro Prize

Application until March 31 of the Association for the promotion of environmental, safety and energy technology e.V. gives the prudence Science Prize this year for the third time in the field of environmental, safety and energy technology. The prize is awarded in the section for industry – and market-oriented research in the field of journalism for representing scientific, practice-relevant topics understandable science. The prize money is distributed on a 10 000 Euro prize in the category science and prices endowed two with 2500 euros each in the category journalism. “From my point of view, education, science and innovation are the elementary building blocks to ensure long-term economic and cultural prosperity. Sometimes it is missing however in North Rhine-Westphalia and in particular in the Ruhr area still on the interdisciplinary networking and the consistent gearing with the industry.

To work in this sense, especially in the socially important areas of environment and energy, do I like the patronage for this award, founded. Patron of the prize, Prof. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Kai-Fu Lee. Dr. med. Gronemeyer, his motivation. Practical and generally understandable important criteria for assessing in the section are science degree of innovation, practical relevance, benefits for the environment and society and sustainability. But also interdisciplinary approaches, courage in the choice of the approach and the comprehensible and convincing presentation of the issues also play a role in the assessment.

In the category journalism is about, to prepare a complex issue in the field of environmental, safety and energy technology to understand and to represent and to contribute to the formation of opinion in society. Print, audio, video and online contributions are possible. Winners in the category science 2011 was Prof. Dr. Kai-Fu Lee usually is spot on. Andreas Fath. He received the prize for his work on the electrochemical decomposition perfluorated surfactants (PFT). Elevated concentrations of the compound in various surface waters were detected in 2006. With the newly developed electrochemical process succeed, PFTs in fluorinated acids, mineralize the water and carbon dioxide, so that no harmful residues remain.


Safe TIC SafeTIC Wins Innovation Award

Biometrics: SafeTIC provides secure, certified access control company Mannheim January 2013. Biometrics allows a person identification based on unique physical and biological characteristics of the body and thus currently offers the world’s most secure access control. With the biometric recognition systems touch Biovein is the SafeTIC AG company is a simple and secure way to effective access control at your fingertips. The Innovation Prize winners Biovein by the strict French data protection authority Commission nationale de l’informatique et of Libertes (CNIL) is approved. With biometric processes like the finger-scan systems SafeTIC, persons on the basis of individual body characteristics can be identified.

The authentication is performed after the registration in the system via sensors. Adjust the data presented with the stored records. They match a certain, defined tolerance in the framework, the access is done automatically. Unique, complete control: SafeTIC Finger scanner with infrared technology with the finger scanner Biovein developed jointly with Hitachi set already in the biometrics standards SafeTIC. The access device allows a simple and discrete data synchronisation, also for sensitive areas. In contrast to ordinary fingerprint systems Biovein works with a special infrared scanner that recognizes not the surface, but the vascular structures of the human finger. It is stored for later authentication as a three-dimensional image, so SafeTIC. Over 200 individual segments are recorded here.

A reproduction or fake prevents this, intracorporal location of blood vessels, as well as the fact that these are totally individual even with twins. Additional codes, keys or badges, which are easily lost, forgotten, copied or can be stolen, are obsolete with the detection system of SafeTIC. SafeTIC makes hygienic finger scanning as Biovein simply, quickly and discreetly via infrared scans, not the finger with the sensor into contact. This reduces the spread of pathogens. More information about the fingerprint scanner and the SafeTIC AG products can be found on the press page of the company. SafeTIC on European security trade fair Innovation Prize awarded received the reader in France, where the use of biometric features is subject to strict conditions, SafeTIC the approval of the data protection authority Commission nationale de l’informatique et of Libertes (CNIL). “Because the spurenlose” process keep the personal freedom of the user. Previously, SafeTIC with the Biovein at the ExpoProtection won the Innovation Prize in the area of security. Concerns about a possible abuse are therefore unfounded, so SafeTIC. Finally, blood vessels can neither copy nor steal. Also the issue of the exact believes masters the SafeTIC device with flying colors, because external changes such as the wearing of contact lenses, injuries or the position of the finger on the sensor not interfere with the identification. About SafeTIC AG as the only European company SafeTIC AG fingerprint and finger morphology detection systems specializes in. SafeTIC is the European No 1 in the area of enterprise security as a manufacturer of biometric readers and providers of Europe most installed biometric access controls. Also, SafeTIC is the market leader in biometrics and Visio mobility. The SafeTIC AG is represented in the entire value chain of security systems. In Europe alone has the SafeTiC AG about 15,000 customers.


Innovations In Welding Machines

Innovations in welding equipment when it comes to innovations scream an economic consideration all mostly hurray. Innovation is great progress and there can never be enough of them. The truth is a little more complicated, as we will see on the basis of a welding machine here. First of all, it was said, first of all, that it concerns innovations product. The OCED defines further innovations such as marketing innovations, organizational innovations and process innovations, which have partially different properties. Our product is the welding machine.

We put us in the time at the beginning of the 20th century and assume that mainly burning welding machines offered on the market. Our company, let’s call them welder GmbH, produces these devices, but at the same time researching new methods. The magic word that makes the round in the Research Department, is arc welding machine. This welder will no longer work with inflamed gases, but instead use an electrode. This type Welding machine brings various advantages, which we want to go here no longer. For more information see this site: AOL. Is relevant, the welder GmbH is ready, that she can place this product on the market.

You logs on a patent. What is economic to happen here? The welder GmbH will be not the only company who has done research in this direction, by the patent, it ensures however that it is the only company that can use this technology in the next few years. It worked so free a number of competitors and defacto resources wasted. The technical term for this is patent race. With the prospect of the monopolist, which can place only the new type of welding machine on the market, have too many companies doing research and resources wasted on, that economically more would have can be used. Then why are there patents? This is the reason that not rarely without the incentive of the waving monopoly not would research.

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