CRM systems allow most any individual customer approach and offer no choice of communication channels to the modern customer management not only the systematic management of customer information, but also the communication in the customer relationship processes. When it comes to written communication, CRM systems alone can not adequately do however normally, because they offer, for example, no free choice of communication channels, and allow no individual customer approach. Although CRM solutions include nowadays the compulsory program of the company, to make the relationship management efficient. But in their functional understanding of the self is not the customized written communication at the Centre, therefore they need an addition special solutions for customer communication management”, explains Marc Koch, CEO of legodo AG. He points out that automated mass letters now encounter a problem of acceptance and company therefore should communicate possible individually. The written response of the customers must extend far beyond the usual personalization with personal title, by she content is tailored to their needs. “For that it is however necessary to be able to include the whole and contained not only in CRM systems knowledge about the customers. Many important information such as, for example, the current purchasing behavior are not in the CRM system, but in ERP and other applications,”stressed Cook.
Individually-oriented customer dialogue must be accessed can, so it requires a just feasible integration of all systems with knowledge of customers.” Another major aspect is its claims, that CRM systems not on a cross-channel communications are aligned. Last year’s legodo according to a study want to communicate by letter with the company only a few consumers, but prefer the digital way. But this is no longer only the E-Mail, but also social media, SMS and other modern channels”, emphasizes cooking. Who wants to signal to customers that he personally wants to talk to them, the communicates the channels they prefer.” CRM systems alone could however do not comply with the individual preferences of our customers and thus become a brake of the communication. As a supplement it requires a solution for customer communication management such as the CCS platform from legodo. Integrate not only the entire knowledge about clients from all business applications, they offer a free choice of the communication channels.
Customer profiles can also in social networks with its own CRM system link, to facilitate interactive communication. So quite new perspectives are created for customer dialogue, but essential is a comprehensive and at the same time easy technical integration”, explains Koch. The way but by no means going to a more personal approach to customer on elaborate technical measures lead, as the show easy package solutions of legodo for SAP and Siebel users. You can be made already within two weeks to the usage. But also for the users of Salesforce CRM or Oracle on demand offers solutions for quick entry into the world of customized CRM communication.