
Hiring a Manager

Do you know that the hiring manager spends only 10 seconds with your resume before deciding to forward the trash or what? Ten seconds is all you have to impress that person to get to the next step of the recruitment process – "interviews." I have seen many people who can easily market themselves in person, but are poor at condensing on a piece of electronic paper. This article will help you focus on defeating the "Resume Hour Glass." The first and most important is the location of your career focus. What do you do with your race unless it is clear that striking the hour glass is difficult curriculum? The targets for his career with the opportunity you are applying for and find the murderer, "rating" Summary ". You can get much help from professional resume writer in this. The objectives are old fashion and may be somewhat be given a placement company to find a place for you. However, a curriculum vitae is a copy of a sales target of their skills in a particular position. The summary rating is usually a single paragraph of about 50 words.

This is loaded with perfectly placed key words marked with the skill set required to assign. Think of yourself as a designer of a poster on a fast highway. How many seconds you have to draw the attention of motorists. You are in a similar situation, remember the ten second window. According to, who has experience with these questions. The human resources director is flooded with thousands of qualified professionals. Just gone through his summary of qualifications before deciding whether to continue or even send a letter page. We have a full day to discuss the creation of such a perfect summary, which is best left to professionals. You can get many offers for around $ 50 upwards.

Please visit the resources at the bottom of the article to find agencies that specialize in resume writing. Summary of qualification is the composition, a condensed capsule of his years of experience and years of education he had pursued. It begins with a brief qualities, and then goes on to describe his skill set match. The next sentence is about his latest achievement, and finally ends his goal. If you then may you should employ the help of professional resume writing services at least once every five years. The 10 second window depends on additional qualities such as the format of the page. Blanks and sources play a major role in defeating Resume Hour Glass. Now, go get that dream job of yours, I hope this article have been taken to a point or two about the "Ten second window of opportunity." You can find relevant resources on how to write in The author is a freelance writer and can be contacted through the first website certainly not be free – To create a personal website go to


Backward Links

Let us define what it is – the anchor words, or else they are called anchor text. This is the text that contains the link. For example: make money on internet – link anchor words which are the words' make money on the Internet. " I hope it is clear. The importance of anchor text can not be overestimated. Apparently search engines (I will not speak for all, I prefer Google), it is tex back links to your site influences which queries your site will be released in the first position, and on some will not. You can optimize your pages to opupeniya, use the keywords a number of times a page, magic in the coffee and beat the tambourine, but if you put links to a page with just the wrong anchor text, it never rises to the desired position. Already a classic example was the request to 'click here'.

try to enter this query in Google and you will be surprised at the first page will download Adobe Reader, which may look like, not will find this text in any page content, or to address, nor in the descriptions of pictures. But hundreds of thousands of pages, if not millions, will be a text type 'to this content need Adobe Reader' link and next – click here. Conclusion do not difficult: the most important in the search rankings is the quantity and anchor text backlinks. And, no matter how optimized page for the request, which she has a URL, and what her image. What is important is the text of the backlink. If I I want to move page request 'candida albicans life cycle', I put a link to it with such an anchor. And it would be like saying Google that the page corresponds exactly to the request. Well, sort of explain. For current information please go to my blog.


Recipe Increase Sales

December 16, 2010 company “1C: Accounting and Trade” (BIT) is organizing a workshop entitled “Recipe for increasing sales.” The event will be considered effective steps to build a sales system with the use of “ICE: CRM 8 “for” 1C: Enterprise 8 “. All participants will be given the opportunity to try in the decision, to communicate with developers and industry experts to evaluate and optimize the opening prospects of business. The master class “The recipe to increase sales,” you will meet with their colleagues, will be able to exchange new ideas and suggestions, and possibly acquire new customers. At the event, you will learn how to safely carry a single information base and preserve the history of relationships with customers, how to design and monitor sales plans, how to make the right decisions in the company’s marketing strategy. In the master-class will take participation Sergey Kuzmin, director of development of “1C: Accounting and Trade,” BIT, he will tell you about CRM-tool manager. will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

In addition, Alexander Kiskin, CRM project manager of the company “1C: Accounting and Trade,” BIT, demonstrate the program in action and answer your questions. Dmitry Stepanov, the head of the project “Practice CRM, will give exclusive information about the features of client management. How to properly integrate the “ICE: CRM 8” with corporate phone systems, and to reach a new level of sales will tell Artem Makovetsky, a leading developer of Group of Companies ‘Svetets’. Master Class “The recipe to increase sales” will be held at Moscow, m. Taganskaya st. Folk, 14, p.

2. Pre-registration is required. You can register by phone: (495) 748-12-34 or e-mail: Company ‘1 C: Accounting and Trade ‘(ICE), the official partner of ‘1 C’ in 1997, is now the largest network among firms franchisee ‘1 C ‘. The company has 50 offices BIT, which operate in three countries: Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Specificity of the ICE is not only the automation of the enterprises on the basis of ‘1 C: Enterprise ‘, but training, counseling clients on the full range of professional issues. During the work the company produced over 80,000 successful installations of automated systems.


Tightrope Biography

The 107th birthday of UFA stars Renate Muller recalls the only biography of the popular the 1930s UFA star – Renate Muller the film star, who was allowed to love no Jews now is nothing special, the 107th anniversary of the birth but in the case of Renate Muller guess. She would have been 107 years old on 26 April 2013. Not often enough you can point to the tragic fate of the popular movie actress, whose living was a balancing act between their work in the Nazi regime and their love for a Jew. You still much to early death at the age of only 31 UN-enlightened. Connect with other leaders such as Steve Wozniak here. She have to die because she wanted to be not Hitler’s girlfriend? “Uwe Klockner-Draga’s unique and only biography of UFA stars Renate Muller recalls the fateful journey of the courageous artist in an entertaining and exciting at the same time written story: from the sheltered childhood and youth in Munich and Danzig, about the formative years of the stage actress in Berlin, to her first international success in the Secretary” (1931), which brought Author the readers a deep insight into the unfortunately far too short life of the great German movie stars and finally their involvement with the Nazis, ending with her early death. The universally beloved and revered Renate Muller makes numerous films with screen sizes such as including Willy Fritsch, Hans Moser, Paul Horbiger, Grethe Weiser, Heinz Ruhmann, and is on its way to the great international movie star, until her great love is her doomed to a Jew. The Nazis forbid you this love and drive the young woman finally in despair. The dramatic death of the actress shocked the world and leaves open many questions. Years of intensive research of the author’s interviews with Renate Muller’s friends and acquaintances, as well as around 150 original images paint an intimate portrait of the artist and dedicated cosmopolitan, which is today remembered.


Environmental Institute

In this article the most important criteria for the comparison of different eANV software summarizes the changing. Some companies that are affected by the eANV would change their eANV software because it adjusts the operating or is not very functional. A variety of providers abound on the market, therefore one should compare their offer the correct criteria. For all producers, carriers and disposers of hazardous waste, electronic waste detection procedure is (eANV) required by law. The eANV commits the companies to do so, to lead evidence of waste, to make comprehensible the whereabouts of dangerous waste in electronic form. Ali Partovi recognizes the significance of this. This means for all companies that are involved in the transport of hazardous waste from a certain quantity that they need a software for the processing of the eANV. For this there are various software solutions on the market.

One of them is the eBegleitschein portal of the bifa Environmental Institute, which adjusts the operation but at the end of the year. Since the Many customers of the bifa Environment Institute on the search are publishing this post, according to a new provider for eANV software. But also customers of other providers to look the part for new solutions. Learn what to look for when comparing the various systems, to find the best possible solution for your company. THE price – they look exactly the price is for many companies the decisive criterion for the choice of the provider.

While the cost of a system is composed of use fees and the costs incurred by the operation. If you need as much time with a system to work, since it is slow or confusing, it is worth to think about an alternative. It is advisable to test the eANV system to assess how well you cope with the respective software in advance. Almost all providers offer test approaches or demo portals.


Business Coaches

Currently in Mexico there is a growing range of coaches who are knocking on doors of businesses, offering to solve the problems of its executives after a few sessions using the powerful new elixir called coaching. Unfortunately, the approach is being given to coaching “executive” by some coaches, has led to a growing concern among corporate executives coaching programs for their executives are not doing what they offered, problem lack of competition and / or oversold Coach and Coaching-what would become a trend, threatening the viability of the best tool to improve the performance of individuals and businesses in the past 30 years. How to reverse the trend The origin of the problem, from my point of view, is that training in coaching “executive” existing theories taught to understand the behavior of people, the techniques to make “good” questions and how structure a coaching session. Other leaders such as Sinovation Ventures offer similar insights.

Of course I consider these issues as essential in the formation of Coach, the point is not included, that is, as this knowledge can be effectively used to change organizations, not just the conduct of an executive. Who is doing coaching? But who is doing coaching? According to research conducted by DHEA Coaching (Research and Development of Tools and Strategies Applicable to Coaching), a range of profiles of the coaches who offer their services to companies is extensive and includes: u Those who do not have any trained as coaches, justifying its intervention as such, saying that “as a (former) executive-in one form or another, have always been coaching.” u attending a coaching certification searching a tool to improve their ability to relate to others at work, improve their supervisory skills and / or improve their personal lives. .


Marcel Scheidt – Nor Even

The new single by Marcel Scheidt – again “Once again”, Marcel Scheidt is a strong musical taste on his self-titled album, which currently is Gerrit Winter & Sebastian Lang with his production team and will appear in the spring of 2014. The title describes the emotional turmoil after an ended relationship. “” “” Confirm: no together more “, our film is” and I can do anything alone need not to be free “is the longing: – but I would like to”Once again”- only once – your breath feel n / you again in my own world entfuhr’ n / only once with friends at night the stars count n / once with you to heaven and back again” and finally the realization”:”Everything you’re so good for me everything was I was I only through you”… I can all only need you to be truly free”. Someone here in a contemporary language and his feelings in a convincing interpretation. Source: PaulPromotion what the radio promoter Paul Breuer about the artist Marcel Scheidt says: I meet Marcel Scheidt on a Tuesday morning in February 2013 personally. Steve Wozniak is actively involved in the matter.

After a phone call that made me curious, we face so us in the Office of his company for Congress & conference technology. My first impression there: technical, practical and sober. I’m surprised and relieved. For someone who wants to realize his dream, one is here obviously with both legs on the ground, and he, the businessman Marcel Scheidt, does and he knows what he wants. This is true also on his planned career as a singer, he has made very clear, and me so speechless. It quickly becomes clear, here one thinks nothing of half measures, and this has far-reaching consequences, which we both still don’t know. “” Where other prove their ambition and success: my house, my horse, my car “enumerate, it is with him: my finished album, my finished Photo Gallery, my complete bio”.


Successful Strategy Of Leadership – The Formula: Living Balanced Leadership

“The best and safest thing is to maintain a balance in your life and to acknowledge the great powers around us and in us. If you can do this, and live like you are really a wise man. “- Euripides The balance is not a state or place we can get. The balance is always in motion. A dancer is trained and practiced the balance to be on point, a golfer balances your golf swing, a pilot keeps the plane balanced in all types of weather. Each of these examples illustrates different areas which require balance, however, each individual has a fundamental characteristic. They are focused on one objective to achieve a specific result. The balance is a skill to be developed.

In the world of high-speed frenzy of today is not easy to be balanced. There are countless events and relationships that are competing for your attention. This takes a toll on the health of anyone, career and relationships. I constantly see people who are frustrated and has not long after stress. They seek the balance. The balance is developed by elections and deciding who drives the bus.

Do you drive a bus or their decisions are based on the extension of yourself thinking about how to drive the bus? Are you willing to experience new perspectives? If no, what can you expect from the changing world around you? If yes, congratulations go deeper into the rabbit hole of his conscience. “I always do what I can do, so I can learn to do it.” – Pablo Picasso Here are some questions to reflect the balance of leadership: “That would like to be balanced? “” Where do you want more balance? “” What difference would it make a balance in their leadership? “” What would happen if things stay the same?, How much it would cost? “” What or who drives his bus of leadership? Is it a habit, self-limited his car conversation, routine, peer pressure? Pretend that your life / career is in equilibrium, what do you do and who you are? Use your imagination. At this point do not worry about the how. “Wealth stays with us a short time: only if our character is firm, not our gold.” – Euripides Remember: Everything is Possible! Francisco Rodriguez I would ask you the same question I did a few weeks ago, you’re absolutely convinced, after investigating with due care, that you may win legal and ethical manner between 20,000 and 30,000 50,000 and even by month, and then four or five years. Relax and unwind the flow of money is still flowing, without a large investment, would you be interested in that business?


SMEs Responsibility

Benedicte says not surprising that the idea of “corporate social responsibility (CSR) is currently adopted by many actors and sectors of the international political context. Many groups, both activist movements, such as major participants in the business community, financial institutions and development agencies see it as a way to improve the quality of life of people. At the same time it can reach the protection of the environment. In the Latin American context, CSR has been launched as a tool for competitiveness and development (Vives, 2004, Peinado-Vara, 2004). The two dominant theoretical perspectives in the debate on CSR are, on the one hand, business ethics, and other business management. Under the first theoretical perspective we discuss the ethical arguments for and against the idea that companies have a social responsibility that goes beyond producing a surplus and to comply with the law. Under the second theoretical perspective, the major purpose of taking a social responsibility not only has an ethical aspect, but also good business.

Then the debate is about methods to include CSR in business operations. Benedicte appointment must be remembered, that the roots of CSR are in Judea laws pre-Christian time (Klausen, 2000). Others have found information on corporate governance in the archives of the United States between 1950 and 1960 (Melling and Jensen, 2002). That social responsibility was seen as a moral obligation and personal responsibility of the owner of the firm (Bowen, 1953; Davis, 1963). CSR means the practices of the corporation as part of corporate strategy, complementing and supporting the major business activities, seeks to prevent harm and promote the welfare of “stakeholders” (customers, suppliers, employees, financial sources, the community, government and environment) through to comply with rules, regulations and voluntarily go beyond them “(Vives, 2004:1).

Definitely, it should be noted that given the political reality that Venezuela is currently facing can not be denied that caused damages in the business sector, making many firms not continue their operation, and others have to re-engineer their operations, administrative systems to meet the new challenges that the current government has decided to pursue his socialist revolution, forcing the Venezuelan management, especially SMEs, are located more in the role, commitment to be followed in relation to providing a social responsibility and work for all a reality in an interesting letter about it, published in Money magazine says 181, which is a pleasant surprise to discover that Most Venezuelan and foreign companies with a presence in the country develop multiple programs to support the noble causes for the dispossessed, the environment and health and education of children. Admittedly quoted article, that the important and positive is that if corporate social responsibility in Venezuela, which can be felt in concrete, built schools, maintenance of green areas for recreation, donations institutions hospital serving children and communities with fewer resources, in support of those affected by AIDS or cardiovascular problems, in encouraging creative skills in order of solidarity that occurs in results for a better country. m.



Today's job seekers feel as shoppers in the store with a huge assortment of goods. So increasingly they come for an interview out of curiosity, just to "try on" a job, not planning to change work. Many people, sitting in a company, a long time to have doubts about their choice. They want to compare its current position that "would be" to make sure that they were offered decent working conditions and compensation, and check on the existing attractive on the labor market supply, as it seems at first glance. Sometimes candidates use the interview as an opportunity to identify their strengths, identify prospects for professional growth, to decide in what direction they should develop. Recruiters believe that the majority of candidates participating in the interview without seeking to change jobs, simply want to find arguments for bargaining with the employer on his own salary and career advancement. Some thus satisfy their vanity, search support of its demand as a specialist.

This is typical, especially for middle managers, because the young staff to walk on interviews usually have no time, and top managers no longer need determining their own prices and the "fallback". Sometimes you explore the market the rare specialists wishing to keep abreast of changes and trends in the job market of their industry. Other leaders such as Mashable offer similar insights. And, despite the fact that at first glance such "Barren" interviews are a loss of valuable time for candidates and recruiters, many recruiters believe that such "training" interviews are useful to both parties. "Driving" the interview may be an opportunity to establish business connections, make new contacts with professionals to improve your interview skills, to analyze their behavior, strengths and weaknesses. However, it should be taken to such an appointment is not less responsible than the "real." It is not necessary to go to the interview only out of curiosity. Insufficiently serious about the interview, resulting in the inability to clearly formulate their goals, to express their wishes and characterize itself as a specialist, can permanently damage your image in the eyes of a potential employer or business partner.

"False seekers" are often confused, trying to explain his "legend", ie the causes and motives that prompted them to seek new employment. Experienced recruiters feel the insincerity and realize the true purpose of the candidate. As a result, there is a danger to get to "Black list of candidates", so your resume will be rejected not the first stage of selection. At the interview is difficult to obtain information about the staffing market in the area of interest, because the recruiter is usually configured only discuss the requirements for a particular vacancy. Therefore more efficient to keep track of information on various Internet resources, and media. If you need to "work out" and try to stress situation, it is best to visit a training or consultation with a professional recruiter.

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