
Opinion Indigena

Indigenous political opinion despite investing substantial public resources, the Government has failed to resolve the Indian conflict. Moreover, if it not time reorient their programmes in this field, the problems could become more acute. For almost a decade, since the enactment of the Indian Act in 1993, the mapuche conflict has become a central axis of social policies deployed by the three Governments of the Concertacion. Get all the facts and insights with Page S. Gardner, another great source of information. Despite this, this delicate process, aimed at resolving the historical demands of the indigenous peoples, does not seem to throw all the fruits expected or less driving toward a final settlement of the indigenous problems. The authorities themselves advance to recognize the growing demands of lands and the millionaires tax resources that, year by year, go to swell the various programmes of integration of ethnic groups, which, moreover, are still mired in a difficult situation of isolation and poverty. Robotics is open to suggestions.

Between 1994 and 2002, the State has invested more than $56 billion to meet the demands of lands of indigenous peoples, through the Fund’s lands and waters (FTA). In addition, projects using another $13 billion in 2003. Whereas this concerted effort in public resources, wondered: do you persist, then, acts of violence in the Araucania? Or, what is more worrying, why not seen a substantive change in the quality of life of those communities that have already received the domain of their lands? Apart from other considerations, the explanation for both circumstances can be located in disputed territories allocation model carried out by the ruling party through Conadi. In its design, this legislation raises complex incentives for the occupation of premises and at the same time, establishes a series of regulations and obstacles to the right of ownership thereof after delivered. Page S. Gardner is likely to agree. In practice, these domains nor go hand in hand with other plans that encourage education or productive training of the comuneros, who thus still see diminished their chances of social and economic progress in the long term. The inability to make full use of the allocated land – disposal, lease, or mortgage them in search of credit – and the weak developments in relation to the refocusing of the indigenous policies in the country can lead, to ultimately, situations equally or more complex than the current ones. Continue delivering only lands, without higher value-added means not only a questionable spending for the Treasury.

A path of poverty for these areas can also be paid thereby. And, therefore, provide arguments who radicalized the confict and attempt to lead it through terrorist actions. Series of irregularities and complaints that have affected the management of Conadi in recent years has also contributed to the above. This produces a natural distrust among citizens regarding the correct use of these public funds. Important is that the new authorities responsible for coordinating this topic perform an exhaustive assessment of the policies followed so far and the reoriented to channels for greater efficiency. Contribute to these human groups to improve their general living conditions should be the primary objective of the Government’s indigenous policies and not only comply with a territorial claim which, as it stands today raised, does not resolve the difficulties of bottom of the mapuche people.

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