
Professors Computer

It is the moment of the contact, of domain, where it needs to be safe ahead introduction of Computer science. According to HAIRDO (2000): ' ' Professors must be partners in the conception and conduction of activities with YOU (Technology of Computer science) and not mere spectators and executors of tarefas.' ' The important one is that the professor if feels as a part participativa of the process and that the lesson continues being of it, although to be prepared, in its form, for a strange instrument or another person. At this moment it observes Computer science as a new instrument, something different! uses, with more frequency, softwares educational existing in the squares. The change occurs, when the professor to perceive that it can make more than what it is accustomed; it is the moment where it starts to reflect its practical and perceives the potential of the tool. At this moment the professor is vulnerable the modifications. It goes of the defense for the discovery.

It is the propitious moment for the coordinator of Computer science to suggest modification in pedagogical practical its. In these schools computer science is being implanted in the same molds of the educational system in which the computer is used to minimize the computational illiteracy of the pupils or to automatize processes of transmission of the information. (HAIRDO, 2000) At this as moment, the changes more occur in the form to work the lesson. Now a concern exists to explore the tool, to help in the learning process. It is at this moment that appears softwares of authorship, slides, the articles, texts, the simulators and the projects of the pupils, but the professor not yet obtains to exceed its lesson. The concern if of still with the content of its disciplines. But, now, it appears a new element: discovering leads to a constant challenge, that takes its concern for the learning process.

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