
LGA Tested Sauna Stones

Tested premium SaunSteine from Finland the Nuremberg Institute for land trade tests Sauna stones on their resilience. In a long series of experiments, our SaunSteine were examined this examination procedure and compared with values from other rock types and ultimately synoptic compared. The capacity of our high-quality SaunSteine was determined in a complex test process. In testing laboratories of the State trade agency Nuremberg (LGA), determines the load, which acts on a SaunStein, and a corresponding test methods developed. In a long series of experiments, our SaunSteine were examined this examination procedure and compared with values from other rock types and ultimately synoptic compared.

The test result exceeded our expectations and shows clearly that’s worth our effort. In Finland, specially entertained a quarry for the extraction of SaunSteine and only the best and purest olivine diabase is mined. While the quality is monitored by several independent testing labs. One Automatic rock wash (with water recovery), a manual and and photo-optical final inspection to ensure best quality.

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