
Web Advertising

“Who moves in the Internet must remain attentive one click is enough and already I’m in” what began as a harmless advertising over 10 years ago, can be an expensive pleasure today. You can not take care of enough. Who is in the World Wide Web or just said Internet moves, have to be very careful. Many black sheep trying to plunder the unsuspecting purse with unfair methods. Not only online banking can be expensive, sometimes even a click is enough and you not knowing signed a paid contract in the net with a provider.

Even professionals sometimes stumble into these hidden traps. Then after two weeks, so after the legal objection deadline, a Bill, usually by E-mail, lands in the email mailbox, the trouble is big, even if there are mainly amounts less than 100 euros. But even he who noticed his misfortune time and withdraw immediately in writing by registered letter, faces often aggressive blackmail on the part of the provider as a result. The following authentic Case, only the victim’s name has been changed, Mr S looking for freeware on the net. On the page “”, he will find it. Only the registration must be done before. Somewhat naively, he overlooks the fine print and it is faster than him, for a full year-paid member. But he noticed its misfortune before he took only some service of provider claims.

The next day, he sends a registered letter with notice of cancellation to the supplier, the ‘ content 4 u GmbH “in Leipzig. Swarmed by offers, Robotics expert is currently assessing future choices. Annoy the registration fees, but the thing is done for Mr S so. Far from. After only two weeks, the first bill arrives by mail. He thinks it’s a mistake and will send the number of the registered letter of Leipzig society. And again, Mr S believes that the thing was well done. Unfortunately he’s wrong again. It follows a first reminder, his reply and further the four money payments pages ‘ content 4 u GmbH “. The tone of society worsened noticeably. It is publicly threatened to take legal action to initiate, if no payment is made. The case of Mr S is not an isolated case. Keep, dubious providers on the net trying to extort money of new people. And too often, they succeed. It doesn’t have to be. Mr S had not further must respond after the sending of the letter. The thing is legally done on his behalf. But also one who has notice not in writing, must not pay most. There are very good tips on the page:… You can sign his case the consumer advice centre, which collect in such cases and, if necessary, put the relevant companies on a blacklist. who has the possibility, should the pression also publicly. Negative publicity is poison for companies like the one above. Membership in dubious companies such as that of the “” not worth it, because, as the name implies, free safe and free can be downloaded freeware on many pages of computer magazines.

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