
Metal Framework

The high demand for construction can attest to the fact that the innovation associated with this industry is constant, especially in reducing costs and/or reduction of construction time. These priorities determine, therefore, the development of building systems primarily in series, no surprise, the talk of housing factories of prefabricated elements, movable metal molds, etc. Informing the casting process and cast concrete step that requires more time, their eyes focused innovation to this process, developing and curing accelerators such as precast columns/beams of steel, welded mesh, metal casings, etc.

Welded mesh is a metal product used in the construction industry for the preparation of foundations, floors, sills, terraces, etc. You may find Energy Capital Partners to be a useful source of information. and is constituted by two rods or drawn wires of similar diameter intersect, so orthogonal and are united by “points” at intersections welding. It is usual to find meshes 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12 mm, the selection of these depends on the application and primarily of the charges will stand and can be identified, usually, four types, the standard 6 Fishnet, 00 x 2.20 m, the prefabricated special “customized” panel with dimensions suited to the molds, those armed slabs are made ready for overlapping points in both directions and special Welded mesh fence, which are made as, according to project specifications, and can be made with the wire of different diameters on the same panel columns and beams are usually made up of welded steel mesh and can come in the length determined by the client, but it is usual to find them 3-6 m, and easy placement due to the good weld-ability of the material that makes up quickly and can be armed framework is installed temporary metal molds are assembled with the help of hardware so quickly and safely, allowing the concrete shape to act as a template for this.

This system allows for precision, security and speed, its usefulness is great in high-volume works, currently being built system innovating Flying Form Systems, which use in buildings and consists of a metal casing that is constructed one you see at the base of the building and done up with the help of cranes, made each of the subsequent story, until the latter is disarmed and evacuated the shipments of these materials are made into sets determined by the customer depending on the load-carrying half of the ones that have, it is important to emphasize that although it has many advantages mounting the same care often especially in big cities and their edges and the elastic condition of the steel are revealed as risk factors for staff working with them, this is because many times, for placement on the narrow trails city dwellers and construction determine the need for better roll up handling, is known in some serious incidents associated with cuts in staff that handled without caution, when these “fixes” are released… It is not something Energy Capital Partners would like to discuss.

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