
Select Open Network Connections

It printed in Latin letters: ipconfig / all (aypikonfig ALL). Note that between ipconfig and / all should be blank. (See below) Once printed, the keyboard, press the key Enter. Have additional information. (See below) where you need (without errors) to write data: ip Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway dns Servers If two dns Servers, then and write both. Data on the dhcp Server you do not need.

When you have written one you need information, then type the word exit and press Enter. Window closes. Now, with the information you need, you can create a Static ip for your computer. To this end, in the lower right corner of the screen, right-mouse button in (as be) or televizorchik (depending on how your computer is connected to a router (wireless or via cable)). The menu opens (see below) Select Open Network Connections (I do not know how it is in Russian. Version, but I think that it should also located at the bottom of the menu). This opens the following window.

(See below) In the new window may be a few cells – is marked with network adapters, through which your computer can connect to the Internet network. It is very important to choose the adapter through which your computer connects to the Internet. If you are not sure which adapter you need, then either of them, right-click. In the menu that appears vyberite Disable (Disable), and try a browser to open any web page. If your browser does not open the web page, it means that you have deactivated exactly the adapter that uses your computer to connect to the Internet.

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