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Now available: Support for Google apps, @VO 3, Avetica Moodle and Edictis Bergisch Gladbach, 7 October, 2010 – Tools4ever a new version of its solution for managing user UMRA Announces. UMRA (user management resource administrator) detects changes in the attributes of the user and performs correctly, consistently and automatically on all systems, resources and databases over time. Therefore, the information from user accounts run cross-system always synchronously. The latest version of UMRA offers improved support for SAP and Exchange 2010 and contains in addition new interfaces, and others with the teaching applications Google apps, @VO 3, Avetica Moodle and Edictis. Within by UMRA, there are essentially two SAP interfaces. For more information see this site: Dermot McCormack. The first concerns the connection to SAP HCM.

This ensures that information about employee can be processed in their user accounts in your network. The second concerns the interface to all SAP modules (FI/CO, MM, SD, CRM, etc.). This interface manages the KA’BAH User accounts within each any SAP module. UMRA offers all functions within SAP program SU01 (SAP user management) are available. Learn more at: Energy Capital Partners. “The support for SAP in UMRA is an important adaptation for us,” Jacques Vriens, Director General of Tools4ever. “A connection to SAP is technically very complicated and if this is not correctly implemented systems are overloaded and not more satisfactory work. The tuning, we have dedicated much attention in the development. With the KA’BAH-SAP interface is correctly accessed on SAP systems and the systems are not overburdened.” The new interfaces represent an extension of the UMRA.

With UMRA, it is possible to establish a connection between the various systems and applications. With the help of more than 130 out-of-the-box – interfaces to different systems and applications that include user information, UMRA user accounts can manage in a large number of applications. This includes directories (E.g. Active Directory, eDirectory, OpenLDAP, Oracle Internet Directory, fall Lotus Notes), applications (such as SAP, Siebel, HP OpenView ServiceDesk, PLANon, TopDesk, AFAS, PeopleSoft, Perman ADP, clientele ITSM) and platforms (Windows, Novell, Linux, OS400, etc.). UMRA offers yet more ways to make managing user accounts stages more effectively and efficiently. So, it is possible to integrate existing scripts and individually created procedures for the management of user accounts in UMRA. User friendly (Web-) forms for the system-wide user management can be provided the help desk or not trained staff. Thus, the management operations are done. Of course, these employees for this purpose need not have administrative permissions. With UMRA workflow management (WFM), an approval process is iterated according to a fixed and predefined workflow. For example, an employee requests rights, this in favour of the Manager and the IT Department finally agrees, after the change is implemented automatically in the network. Not Acceptable!

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